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The following are basic verification tests that cover installation of the 1E Service Catalog Connect app. These tests should be run in series. They start with basic functionality tests. Depending on the decisions you have made during the design phase of your project you may need additional tests to verify your Tachyon implementation.


Please ensure you complete all verification tests. They not only confirm your system is operational, but they also introduce you to concepts and tasks that you will use later when using 1E.

To run these tests you need:

  1. 1E Tachyon server and Windows Servicing Suite (with Microsoft ConfigMgr) installed and verified.

  2. A working ServiceNow instance with the 1E Core ServiceNow app installed and verified.

  3. 1E Service Catalog Connect app installed and configured. Please refer to Preparation and Installing for more details, including post-installation tasks.

  4. The product pack file containing the 1E-Nomad-RunWSA instruction, if not already installed.

  5. At least one test device on which the 1E Client has been installed.


The following 1E Service Catalog Connect app verification steps also assume you have already performed the Tachyon verifying steps and fixed any issues found, for more details please refer to Tachyon 8.1 Verifying.

Verify Tachyon Instruction Synchronization with 1E Service Catalog Connect when using a MID Server


Expected Response


  • Log into ServiceNow as the Service Catalog Connect admin user

  • Go to the 1E Service Catalog Connect→Tachyon Settings page

  • Click on the Retrieve Instructions button

After clicking Retrieve Instructions a success message is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page and the 1E-Nomad-RunWSA instruction is displayed on the the 1E Core app Instruction Definitions page.

The purpose of this step is to confirm the basic communications between Tachyon and the 1E Service Catalog Connect app.

  1. The message Instructions retrieval failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if the credentials used for communicating with Tachyon are not valid. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon User Name setting on the Tachyon Settings page is correct and provided in the domain\username format

    • The Tachyon User Password setting on theTachyon Settingspage for the Tachyon User Name account is correctly set

    • The Tachyon User Name has also been added to Tachyon with Actioner permissions to access the 1E-Nomad-RunWSA instruction.

  2. The message The MID Server is not responding. Please confirm the connection details and that the MID Server is valid and online or Server connection test failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if Tachyon is not accessible to ServiceNow. Verify the MID Server configured correctly in the 1E Core application, the Tachyon server is up and running and the MID Server is accessible over the Internet.

  3. The message Some mandatory API configuration settings are empty. Please provide all required information before testing the connection is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if some of the settings on the page are not configured. All settings on the page must be complete and correct.

  4. The message There was an error while retrieving Tachyon instructions. Please check the configuration settings and try again is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if the Tachyon instructions could not be retrieved. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon User Name has also been added to Tachyon with Actioner permissions to access the Tachyon Verification instructions

  5. The message There was an error connecting to Tachyon server. Please check the configuration settings and try again is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if Tachyon is not accessible. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon Server URL setting is correctly defined in the 1E Core application.

    • Tachyon is up and running.

    • The MID Server is accessible over the Internet.

Verify Tachyon Instruction Synchronization with 1E Service Catalog Connect when Tachyon is accessible to ServiceNow over the Internet


Expected Response


  • Log into ServiceNow as the Service Catalog Connect admin user

  • Go to the 1E Service Catalog Connect→Tachyon Settings page

  • Click on the Retrieve Instructions button

After clicking Retrieve Instructions a success message is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page and the 1E-Nomad-RunWSA instruction is displayed on the the 1E Core app Instruction Definitions page.

The purpose of this step is to confirm the basic communications between Tachyon and the 1E Service Catalog Connect app.

  1. The message Instructions retrieval failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if the credentials used for communicating with Tachyon are not valid. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon User Name setting on the Tachyon Settings page is correct and provided in the domain\username format

    • The Tachyon User Password setting on the Tachyon Settings page for the Tachyon User Name account is correctly set

    • The Tachyon User Name has also been added to Tachyon with Actioner permissions to access the Tachyon Verification instructions.

  2. The message Some mandatory API configuration settings are empty. Please provide all required information before testing the connection is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if some of the settings on the page are not configured. All settings on the page must be complete and correct.

  3. The message There was an error while retrieving Tachyon instructions. Please check the configuration settings and try again is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if the Tachyon instructions could not be retrieved. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon User Name has also been added to Tachyon with Actioner permissions to access the Tachyon Verification instructions

  4. The message There was an error connecting to Tachyon server. Please check the configuration settings and try again is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if Tachyon is not accessible. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon Server URL setting is correctly defined in the1E Coreapplication.

    • Tachyon is up and running and accessible over the Internet. Try to access the specified Tachyon Server URL directly from a browser.

Verify ServiceNow to Tachyon to 1E Client Communications

To run the following tests you need:

  • Tachyon Server installed and above verification tests passed - depending on whether your Tachyon system is available to ServiceNow on a local network or over the internet.

  • A target incident has been created in ServiceNow for one of the 1E Client devices.


Expected Response


  • Login to ServiceNow as a Service Catalog Connect app user

  • Navigate to the 1E Service Catalog Connect→Service Catalog page

  • In the Software Category, select the Windows 10 item

  • Click on Order Now

  • Click on the description of the item

  • Click on Launch WSA Wizard

  • Throughout this sequence, acknowledge any messages

The Windows Servicing Assistant starts.

Review 1E Client log, 1E.Client.log, located by default under C:\ProgramData\1E\Client\ folder.

  • Login to ServiceNow Service Portal as a Service Catalog Connect app user

  • Find the Windows 10 item

  • Click on Order Now

  • Click on the description of the item

  • Click onLaunch WSA Wizard

  • Throughout this sequence, acknowledge any messages

The Windows Servicing Assistant starts.

Review 1E Client log, 1E.Client.log, located by default under C:\ProgramData\1E\Client\ folder.

Verify Tachyon Instruction Synchronization with 1E Service Catalog Connect when Tachyon is accessible to ServiceNow over the Internet


Expected Response


  • Log into ServiceNow as the Service Catalog Connect admin user

  • Go to the 1E Service Catalog Connect→Tachyon Settings page

  • Click on the Retrieve Instructions button

After clicking Retrieve Instructions a success message is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page and the 1E-Nomad-RunWSA instruction is displayed on the the 1E Core app Instruction Definitions page.

The purpose of this step is to confirm the basic communications between Tachyon and the 1E Service Catalog Connect app.

  1. The message Instructions retrieval failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if the credentials used for communicating with Tachyon are not valid. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon User Name setting on the Tachyon Settings page is correct and provided in the domain\username format

    • The Tachyon User Password setting on the Tachyon Settings page for the Tachyon User Name account is correctly set

    • The Tachyon User Name has also been added to Tachyon with Actioner permissions to access the Tachyon Verification instructions.

  2. The message Some mandatory API configuration settings are empty. Please provide all required information before testing the connection is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if some of the settings on the page are not configured. All settings on the page must be complete and correct.

  3. The message There was an error while retrieving Tachyon instructions. Please check the configuration settings and try again is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if the Tachyon instructions could not be retrieved. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon User Name has also been added to Tachyon with Actioner permissions to access the Tachyon Verification instructions

  4. The message There was an error connecting to Tachyon server. Please check the configuration settings and try again is displayed on the Tachyon Settings page if Tachyon is not accessible. You need to make sure that:

    • The Tachyon Server URL setting is correctly defined in the1E Coreapplication.

    • Tachyon is up and running and accessible over the Internet. Try to access the specified Tachyon Server URL directly from a browser.