This section includes references for the tiles included in Patch Insights
Impact Score reference
This reference provides details on how the Impact scores are calculated.
The Impact Score — How Patch Insights calculates the Impact score.
1E Patch Insights DEXPacks reference
Reference information for Patch Insights feature-related DEXPacks. These DEXPacks are required to support various features of Patch Insights.
1E Patch Insights DEXPack — Classic DEXPack used to create the 1E Patch Insights instruction set in 1E, required by the following Patch Insights features:
A glossary of 1E Patch Insights terminology.
1E Patch Insights release information
Details of the 1E Patch Insights release history, current release notes and details of third-party licenses.
Patch Insights features by release — A list of the Patch Insights features organized by the release they were implemented in. Links through to the features have been provided for convenience.