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1E 23.7 (SaaS)

1E release information

1E release information

These notes contain information about 1E that you need to have to successfully install and use the product. You should read these release notes and the online documentation for 1E thoroughly before using the software.

New features in 1E 23.7
1E 23.7 platform

New supported platform components:

  • Upgraded minimum supported .NET Framework for 1E Client to .NET Framework v4.8

  • Improved security and standards support for 1E Client-Switch web socket

  • Licensing Tiers

  • Other minor bugfixes/improvements.

Consumer applications for 1E 23.7

Virtual Desktop Experience (VDX)

  • For VDI Administrators and Digital Workplace Teams that manage Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) availability, reliability, and issue resolution. Virtual Desktop Experience (VDX) is a capability of the 1E Platform that provides end-to-end visibility of the VDI estate, and facilitates proactive issue identification and automatic remediation, to provide a best-in-class Digital Employee Experience.

  • Please contact your CSM / Account Manager to get access to VDX.

  • Infrastructure Gain end-to-end visibility, from beginning to endpoint. With instant access to key data about your Citrix VDI deployment, technicians can leverage this in combination with data on the 1E Platform to take more effective action to resolve incidents or problems when they occur.

    • Visibility of key performance indicators such as average logon duration and roundtrip time provides an at-a-glance understanding of the health of your VDI deployment.

    • Virtual Desktop Experience score is generated automatically from a variety of factors such as logon duration, roundtrip time, drop-offs, and reconnects, to provide an understanding of user experience.

    • End-to-end visibility of key infrastructure relating you your Citrix VDI. This includes Store Fronts, Delivery Controllers, and Databases, along with managed and unmanaged connecting devices. This assists with key troubleshooting workflows by providing situational awareness of infrastructure performance, and understanding which parts of the infrastructure might represent potential root causes for any issues.

    • View historical data. View the infrastructure overview at previous points in time, to assist with key troubleshooting workflows for persistent VDI issues.

    • Infrastructure alerts are automatically generated to provide warnings. These alerts are visible in a drawer on the right-hand side of the infrastructure overview, and alert badges also display on the relevant node of the topology, providing an enhanced understanding of which specific elements of the infrastructure may be experiencing the most issues.

    • Automatic remediation. VDX contains out-the-box automatic remediation capabilities to restart stopped services across various elements of your VDI deployment.

    • Leverage the power of the 1E Platform. If the 1E Client is installed across the VDI deployment, users can also easily access in-depth device and performance data, along with seamless technician workflows with tools such as 1E Endpoint Troubleshooting, to gather additional diagnostic data in real time, or take action to resolve issues on one or more devices.

  • User Sessions

    • At-a-glance key performance indicators. View key metrics such as VDX score, average roundtrip time, and average logon duration, to provide instant understanding of your VDI health and end-user experience.

    • User sessions. Search, sort, and filter through user sessions based on a variety of parameters, to assist with troubleshooting efforts for broader problems. This includes, for example, identifying sessions with poor experience scores, high latency, or high logon durations.

    • User session details. View specific details per user session. This includes detailed information in various formats - including time-series graphs - relating to their roundtrip, performance, logon breakdown, user history, and virtual applications. On this page relevant infrastructure alerts also display, assisting with correlating how these might be a root cause impacting end-user sessions.

    • Enhanced device pillar. VDX introduces a new area to the device pillar, providing the ability to see Citrix services running on the infrastructure, and associated user sessions.

    • Leverage the power of the 1E Platform with seamless technician workflows into 1E Endpoint Troubleshooting for more effective incident investigation and remediation workflows.

1E Content Distribution

  • No features of feature changes were added in this release but includes any hotfixes from previous versions

1E Experience Analytics1E Experience Analytics

  • Support for licensing Tiers

1E Endpoint Automation

  • Support for licensing Tiers

Endpoint Troubleshooting

  • No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions

  • Support for licensing Tiers.

Patch Insights

  • No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions

1E Labs Features

Application Experience Management (AXM)

  • Reduces user friction, improves DEX while using apps, reduces tickets, and gives IT meaningful application performance insights

  • A product for IT Admins with digital employee experience and/or business application responsibilities that need to proactively monitor application performance and surface actionable insights to improve the companywide application experience.

    • Individual Application Score

    • Versions with the worst Application Experience

    • Individual Application Filters

    • Application page

      • Total Unresponsive Sessions

      • Average Unresponsive Session Length

      • Users Impacted by Unresponsive Sessions

    • Busy Cursor Events

    • Poor Response Sessions

    • Unresponsive Sessions

    • Responsiveness Tab

    • First Page Drawer

1E Dashboards

  • Added Values and Trends, including Perception of IT

  • KPIs demonstrating the value of 1E platform.

Software Reclaim

  • Integrated with the 1E Client Reclaim module in 1E Client, will interact with Software Reclaim APIs via the Background channel

  • Software Reclaim policy setup same as AppClarity.

Product Packs for v23.7

Classic Product Packs:



  • (new instruction: 1E-Explorer-Upgrade1EClient8.0macOS, updated instruction: Set1EClientAgentConfig )



  • (new instructions: 1E-Nomad-CacheCleanerDeleteAll, 1E-Nomad-LocationDiscovery, 1E-Nomad-SetWorkRate)


  • (new instruction: 1E-TachyonPlatform-Device-ComparisonData)

Integrated Product Packs:

  • MEMCM Client Health Integrated Product Pack (new preconditions: MEMCM-Client, Network-IPv4-PrimaryAddressInDNS, and some rules modified to use them)

  • (minor changes)

  • (minor changes)

  • (minor changes).

Other Product Packs are available from the Tachyon Exchange:

Enhancements in v23.7


  • The export all feature in Endpoint Troubleshooting has been updated so that you can now see a link in the Instruction Response summary page

  • The 1E Authentication Proxy installer has been added to simplify the installation of the 1E Authentication Proxy web service.

1E Server Setup1E Server Setup

  • No changes.

1E product pack deployment tool

  • No changes.

Online help

1E comes with online help that shows you how to install, configure and use the product. Click the following link to view the help:

For support queries, please:

Known issues

The current known issues related to the installation and running of 1E can be found on the Known issues page.

1E release history
Web Release-23.7 (June-2023)
1E Server 23.7 - 1E Toolkit 23.7 - 1E Catalog 23.7 - Software Lifecycle Automation 23.7 - Business Intelligence 23.7 - ContentDistribution 23.7 - AppClarity 23.7 - ApplicationMigration 23.7
Enhancements in v23.7


  • The export all feature in Endpoint Troubleshooting has been updated so that you can now see a link in the Instruction Response summary page

  • The 1E Authentication Proxy installer has been added to simplify the installation of the 1E Authentication Proxy web service.

1E Server Setup1E Server Setup

  • No changes.

1E product pack deployment tool

  • No changes.

Web Release-8.4 (May-2023)

New features in 1E 23.7

In addition to all the features available in 1E 8.2, with 1E 8.4 there are further feature updates for Tachyon Experience and integration with your AAD identity authentication provider – enabling you to define and configure your own Tachyon users.

  • Okta identity authentication provider - support has been added as an alternative to AAD for this new release of 1E

  • Patch Insights from 1E is an important part of keeping your devices secure, performant and healthy, this has become even more important than ever with hybrid work becoming the norm and employees embracing remote work. Patch Insights brings visibility, clarity, and peace of mind around device patching. Research and testing is made easier with comprehensive device and patch views. Vulnerabilities can be detected and closed in real-time using the patch-view dashboard, and the power of 1E Actions, via Endpoint Troubleshooting

  • Endpoint Automation - rule management has been changed to enable revisions and revision history for rules.

  • Rebranding and new skin - the application names have been rebranded to reflect the naming convention, and a new simpler look and feel have been adopted.

1E Labs Features

With this release, you can request access to the new VDX feature.


This is currently available as a limited access release, please contact your 1E Account Team for more details.

VDX captures information from your Citrix virtualization infrastructure to provide monitoring and session experience scoring to speed up troubleshooting and help with root cause analysis.

Web Release-8.2 (Jan-2023)
New features in 1E 8.2

In addition to all the features available in Tachyon 8.1, with 1E 8.2 there are further feature updates for Tachyon Experience and integration with your AAD identity authentication provider – enabling you to define and configure your own Tachyon users.

1E Experience Analytics 8.2 features

In 1E 8.2 the 1E Client and 1E Experience Analytics application has been extended to support the gathering of experience metrics on macOS devices and display them in the Experience Analytics interface. This means if you are a hybrid Mac/Windows company you can now measure end-user experience across all your devices.

Please refer to macOS in 1E Experience Analytics.

1E 8.2 AAD identity authentication provider

1E 8.2 supports the first in a line of external identity authentication providers, this allows you to integrate your existing AAD with 1E to manage your own Tachyon users in a secure way and assign Tachyon permissions as needed.


As part of this feature, the Action workflow in Tachyon has changed slightly. An actioner will no longer be required to re-authenticate their credentials before the 2FA code is sent to their email address.

1E Labs Features

With this release, your license will include access to 1E Labs releases of the Tachyon Dashboards. You can also request access to Patch Insights.

Tachyon Dashboards

Over time, Tachyon Dashboards will introduce a number of overview dashboards into the Tachyon Platform that give top-level information on the performance of an organization regarding various aspects of their business as measured by Tachyon Apps.

It's important to measure or evaluate the way that your organization is performing in terms of your employee Digital EXperience (DEX). This measure lets you know how good your employee day-to-day experience is of your company's IT systems, how happy they are working in your company, and how likely they are to stay with you.

In many organizations, the ability to gain insight into your DEX KPIs involves gathering data from multiple applications and departments, then analyzing and correlating it to determine if the user experience and sentiment are trending up or down. A bigger challenge is understanding if the tools and processes you have in place are improving end-user productivity.

Patch Insights

This is currently available as a limited access release, please contact your 1E Account Team for more details.

Patch Insights provides an overview of the last mile patching required on your environment. It is centered around the final stages of your monthly patching process, with a view to allow you to identify the problematic devices in your environment. At this point of its development, Patch Insights does not remediate the cause of patch failures, or the inability to reach devices, but gives a view of these, and once manual remediation action has been taken, the ability exists within Patch Insights to redeploy the failed patches, using the power of the Tachyon Platform.

Patch Insights from 1E is an important part of keeping your devices secure, performant and healthy, this has become even more important than ever with hybrid work becoming the norm and employees embracing remote work. Patch Insights brings visibility, clarity, and peace of mind around device patching. Research and testing is made easier with comprehensive device and patch views. Vulnerabilities can be detected and closed in real-time using the patch-view dashboard, and the power of Tachyon Actions, via Tachyon Explorer.

Web Release-8.1 (14-Mar-2022)
Tachyon Server - Tachyon Toolkit - 1E Catalog - Software Lifecycle Automation - Business Intelligence - ContentDistribution - AppClarity - ApplicationMigration
Enhancements for v8.1
Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Server (including Experience, Explorer, and Guaranteed State):
  • Q22008 - Policy status is incorrectly updated when rule status events arrive out of order (TFS 244465)

  • Q22006 - Experience - Device hyperlink goes missing when view is changed from one saved pre-set to another (TFS 245628)

  • Q22004 - Experience - Device pillar view on low resolution screen (TFS 245878)

  • Q22002 - Experience - Selecting instances of events does not filter by time (TFS 246428)

  • Q22000 - User with permission 'Guaranteed State Policy Assigner' and 'Guaranteed State User' cannot assign policy (TFS 244646)

  • Q21998 - Option to delete direct-based Management Groups (TFS 245958)

  • Q21996 - Group membership resolution fails for some applications when nested group search is disabled. (TFS 245991)

  • Q21902 - Sanitize Server Side Instruction parameters to prevent SQL injection (TFS 246156)

  • Q21900 - Explorer - Coverage is being ignored during follow up question/action when additional result filters are applied (TFS 245874)

  • Q21898 - Server Side Instructions - The "EvaluatingCondition" workflow state causes responses not to be retrievable (TFS 245352)

  • Q21896 - Guaranteed State - Remediation page fails to load any data in large estate (TFS 245349)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - SLA:
  • Q22110 - Excessive tempdb data usage for ReportTag consolidation step (TFS 249162)

  • Q22108 - Incorrect number of devices in Tachyon management group (TFS 246018)

  • Q22106 - String or binary data truncated within Management Group data (TFS 247120)

  • Q22104 - Machines are showing up in the wrong Management Group (TFS 247888)

  • Q22102 - Hash conflict issue in Tachyon connector. (TFS 248544)

  • Q22100 - Primary user details are not showing when another connector inventory date is ahead of Tachyon. (TFS 246199)

  • Q22098 - Wrong Devices Returned From Management Group Member Retrieval api when Device and Patch consolidation report is in process (TFS 235368)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Catalog:
  • Q21948 - Catalog - UpdateService - Base Url extraction algorithm is flawed (TFS 247265)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - AppClarity:
  • None

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Application Migration:
  • Q22078 - Direct Membership Based Management Group Support In Task Sequence API. (TFS 250710)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Toolkit
  • Q22032 - Incorrect domain suffix is appended to a device name when using Tachyon Instruction Runner (TFS 247012)

  • Q21848 - Tachyon Instruction Runner will not run against a collection with a comma in the name (TFS 246056)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Nomad and Content Distribution:
  • Q22048 - An unhandled exception is thrown if Content Distribution is installed on a non-English server. (TFS 247999)

  • Q22010 - Task sequence does not get synced if an entry of precached task sequence was created before the CMSync (TFS 247742)

  • Q21984 - Multiple Task sequences with same name displayed on Nomad dashboard TaskSequence page. (TFS 246962)

  • Q21982 - Nomad Sites page on Nomad dashboard displays 0 for “Unknown” category of site. (TFS 246477)

  • Q21980 - NomadBranch Admin UI Extensions: "Pre-caching Jobs" view only shows 50 most recent jobs (TFS 246609)

  • Q21978 - Device tab displays status as "Partially Downloaded" (TFS 247193)

  • Q21976 - Subnet Drawer displays "Partially downloaded" status (TFS 247268)

  • Q21974 - Selecting Subnet Drawer of TS content causes exception (TFS 247269)

  • Q21972 - Precache jobs report incorrectly as “Partially Downloaded” (TFS 245156)

  • Q21856 - Subnets counts on Nomad Site page gets changed by changing time filter. (TFS 245938)

  • Q21854 - Subnet Drawers and Site Detail page shows null subnet (TFS 245937)

  • Q21852 - Device Details page shows incorrect counts (TFS 245936)

  • Q21850 - Content Details page never returns data. (TFS 245939)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Business Intelligence:
  • None

Web Release-8.0 (29-Oct-2021)
Tachyon Server - Tachyon Toolkit - 1E Catalog - Software Lifecycle Automation - Business Intelligence - ContentDistribution - AppClarity - ApplicationMigration
Platform v8.0
  • Significant changes to Permissions (role-based access control)

    • Role name changes, listed in Roles page

    • Some roles can be delegated to users by assignment to Management Groups

    • Re-design of Permissions management

  • Custom properties have been extended to enable the creation of Management Groups based on device and software tags

    • Device Tags (previously called Coverage Tags)

    • Software Tags (new in this version)

  • Management Groups feature improvements make it easier to represent your existing management structure in Tachyon

    • Organize Management Groups into a hierarchy (new in this version)

    • Easily create complex Management Group definitions using the Management Group Rule Builder (new in this version)

    • Additional Rule Attributes - build Management Group rules based on Device and Software Tags

  • Software Tags and Notes can be added to each VTVE in Software Inventory.

Consumer applications for v8.0
  • AppClarity 8.0:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0

    • No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions.

  • Application Migration 8.0:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0

    • No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions.

  • Explorer 8.0:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0

    • Coverage tags renamed as Device tags

    • No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions.

  • Experience 8.0:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0

    • The user interface has been re-organized and provides several new pages and popups:

      • Experience Analytics:

        • The existing Overview, Categories, Stability, Responsiveness, Performance and Sentiment pages are now re-organized under Experience Analytics.

      • Advanced Analytics:

        • Network: includes scored and raw metrics for Bytes Sent/Received per Second, Outbound Packets Discarded, Packet Outbound Errors, Active TCP Connections, Network Retransmit Rates, Network Usage Overall, Network Bandwidth Utilization, Wireless Send and Receive Rate, Wireless Transmit Rate.

        • Boot and Login: includes scored and raw metrics for Policy Processing, Startup Apps Processing Time, Main Path Boot Time, Post Boot Time.

      • Inventory Management:

        • Devices page - displays device-centric metrics including details such as network configuration (IP, Gateway, Connection Type, OS Install Date)

        • Software page - displays software products with the software associated metrics and inventory details

        • Users page - displays information on the users known to Tachyon via the 1E Client.

      • User Engagements. The existing Surveys feature has been renamed and re-organized under User Engagements and extended

        • Announcement Feature: Engage users via announcements and urgent announcements/notifications.

        • User Sentiment Surveys are now called Sentiment Surveys.

        • General Purpose Surveys are now called Info Surveys.

      • Root Cause Analysis tools - two new popups have been added to the Devices page:

        • Device comparison: highlights the differences between two selected devices related to Operating System Details, Hardware Details, Usage Details, Installed Software, Services and Processes

        • Scatter chart: Quadrant placement of devices, plots devices on a chart with customizable X and Y axes (align on the grid based on metrics, scores etc.)

    • A variety of data types are now available to add as columns in the table views:

      • Score - values that have been processed and normalized by Experience, this may include consolidation and combinations of other data

      • Raw - the unprocessed and un-normalized values retrieved from devices

      • Device Details - information related to devices, such as: IP Address, DHCP Server, Operating System etc.

      • Software Details - information related to software, such as: the Architecture supported by the software

      • Event - event information retrieved from devices, such as: Software uninstall, hang and crash events; Operating System boot and crash events, and many others

    • Network related scores have been added to enhance the overall user experience score:

      • Output queue length - scores the network transmission backlog, based on the length of the output packet queue

      • Wireless Signal Quality - scores the signal quality of the wireless network connection on the device.

  • Guaranteed State 8.0:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0

    • No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions.

  • Nomad 8.0:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0

    • Integrating Nomad with WakeUp

    • Enhancements:

      • Task Sequence support for Windows feature updates

      • Automatic grooming of the Content Distribution database

      • Support for Windows Authentication between Background Channel and Content Distribution API

      • Tachyon Setup: Nomad screen has improved authentication options

      • Improving performance of the dashboards

      • API versioning using Tachyon SDK.

  • Patch Success 8.0:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0

    • No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions.

Product Packs for v8.0
  • Classic Product Packs:



    • (new instruction: 1E-Explorer-Upgrade1EClient8.0macOS, updated instruction: Set1EClientAgentConfig )



    • (new instructions: 1E-Nomad-CacheCleanerDeleteAll, 1E-Nomad-LocationDiscovery, 1E-Nomad-SetWorkRate)


    • (new instruction: 1E-TachyonPlatform-Device-ComparisonData)

  • Integrated Product Packs:

    • MEMCM Client Health Integrated Product Pack (new preconditions: MEMCM-Client, Network-IPv4-PrimaryAddressInDNS, and some rules modified to use them)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes).

  • Other Product Packs are available from the Tachyon Exchange:

Enhancements in v8.0
Enhancements for v8.0
Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Server (including Experience, Explorer, and Guaranteed State):
  • Q21760 - Cross Forest without trust DMZ switch trying to bind on manager port on NATed IP which fails and eventually kills the switch (TFS 244306)

  • Q21758 - Wrong Devices Returned From Management Group Member Retrieval api when Device and Patch consolidation report is in process (TFS 235368)

  • Q21756 - GS - Rules removed from all assigned policies (TFS 244253)

  • Q21748 - Switch system health check is failing for some switches (TFS 240529)

  • Q21688 - Nomad application - crash on the device details page when device does not exist in Tachyon (TFS 235249)

  • Q21686 - Platform - Group membership resolution fails when nested group search is disabled (TFS 234348)

  • Q21684 - Experience - What's Changed (last 7 days) - Not enough data to show deltas (TFS 234748)

  • Q21682 - Experience - Timeouts occur during SQL partition processing for Experience (TFS 235469)

  • Q21680 - Platform - Duplicate devices appear in Tachyon and Nomad dashboards (TFS 229352)

  • Q21660 - Platform - Hotfix Utility - throws exception when a patch is applied on workgroup - DMZ Server (TFS 235801)

  • Q21626 - Platform - Tachyon Setup.exe--Maintenance--Server Certificate option fails to update binding with selected certificate correctly (TFS 233846)

  • Q21624 - Platform - Experience - Timeout errors when inserting offloaded experience data during cube processing (TFS 233425)

  • Q21622 - Tachyon - Number of clients connected to switch drops (TFS 233339)

  • Q21620 - Platform - Guaranteed State - TachyonResponses-PolicyRule_0 table is unable to manage partitions after it reaches 10 (TFS 234759)

  • Q21618 - Background channel unable to load client certificate private keys behind the CNG API (TFS 234777)

  • Q21616 - Switch - Erroneous 'Total Sent' counts. (TFS 235011)

  • Q21564 - Experience - Experience is keeping master groomed devices for longer than it should (TFS 228555)

  • Q21562 - Platform - CSV Export to UNC path should be more constrained (TFS 138387)

  • Q21560 - Platform - Change to timing for Experience cube sync (TFS 227857)

  • Q21558 - Platform - Instructions not receiving any responses (TFS 226038)

  • Q21556 - Platform – Not all Switches come back online after a reboot (TFS 227933)

  • Q21554 - Platform – Tachyon Switches went offline (TFS 228930)

  • Q21552 - Switch - Number of Online machines differs across Tachyon Explorer (TFS 228154)

  • Q21550 - Platform - Some Clients are not responding to Tachyon instructions (TFS 226839)

  • Q21548 - Platform - Export All task failing due to SQL login timeout by bcp.exe (TFS 230869)

  • Q21546 - Platform - Guaranteed State - Device/Rule History will take a long time to display with large amounts of data (TFS 231327)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - SLA:
  • Q21762 - Wrong Devices Returned From Management Group Member Retrieval api when Device and Patch consolidation report is in process. (TFS 244355)

  • Q21746 - Management Group Sync with Powershell clashing causing empty Management Groups (TFS 241903)

  • Q21744 - Management Group Evaluation is taking time in completing a cycle. (TFS 241990)

  • Q21742 - Management Group Sync with Powershell clashing causing empty Management Groups. (TFS 241975)

  • Q21740 - Clean Sync and Clear Data action failing with foreign key violation error. (TFS 237160)

  • Q21738 - Duplicate entries in Management Group instance total. (TFS 241971)

  • Q21736 - Correct device info is not picked up in case of device collision when same device is coming from 2 different connectors . (TFS 231155)

  • Q21734 - Management Group not showing any device if rule is created on basis of installed software. (TFS 236925)

  • Q21732 - OU information is not consolidated correctly in Basic Inventory Consolidation. (TFS 240608)

  • Q21730 - IsCMClient value is not populating correctly for a device if device is reported from both Tachyon and CM connector. (TFS 231005)

  • Q21728 - No OU information were consolidated for such devices which was reported from a single connector. (TFS 242259)

  • Q21658 - Inventory - Clean Sync leaves orphan Attachment IDs in Attachment table. (TFS 235178)

  • Q21656 - Inventory - The File Upload connector does not process device data when uploading a file that contains column OSManufacturer (TFS 234923)

  • Q21654 - Inventory - Basic Inventory Consolidation takes too much time to complete (TFS 232513)

  • Q21652 - SLA - Device and Patch consolidation fails with Arithmetic Overflow error. (TFS 231525)

  • Q21650 - Inventory - Device Serial number is null in SLA-Data database (TFS 229622)

  • Q21648 - Inventory - WSUS Connector device data is inflating the inventory with stale devices that no longer exist (TFS 228571)

  • Q21646 - Inventory - Tempdb filling up causing BIC to fail (TFS 231526)

  • Q21644 - Inventory - Tachyon Master device table OS information not correctly handled by BIC (TFS 227957)

  • Q21642 - SLA: Tachyon is not properly processing the primary user data from the Tachyon connector (TFS 227750)

  • Q21640 - SLA: Software Inventory not being reported correctly due to SCCM having multiple ResourceIDs for the same hostname (TFS 227755)

  • Q21638 - SLA: Management Groups contain devices that don't match the rules (TFS 221910)

  • Q21636 - SLA: Different usage categories between AppClarity versions (TFS 227142)

  • Q21634 - SLA : Failure when editing policy. (TFS 218751)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Catalog:
  • None

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - AppClarity:
  • Q21722 - AppClarity - Total counts of Units Reclaimed and savings are dropping on Software Reclaim Summary and Savings pages (TFS 232667)

  • Q21720 - AppClarity - Reclaim popup appears incorrectly on large number of devices as installations falls into unused category due to sync issue (TFS 240329)

  • Q21718 - AppClarity - Filter not working on 'Price per unit' column on reclaim usage summary page (TFS 217531)

  • Q21596 - AppClarity - Reclaimer Popup reappears after user has clicked "remove now" button (TFS 227253)

  • Q21594 - AppClarity - Entitlements are not imported correctly for large number of entitlements in TSV file (TFS 234655).

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Application Migration:
  • Q21570 - AppMigration Role Based Application Set rules (TFS 233385)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Nomad and Content Distribution:
  • Q21754 - CM Sync fails to sync content because of null SourceVersion (TFS 241994)

  • Q21750 - Nomad clients are unable to communicate with ContentDistribution (TFS 244275)

  • Q21702 - An error occurred whilst migrating legacy pre cache data. CM sync failed. (TFS 237645)

  • Q21700 - Get Migration Settings TS action sets an incorrect PBAComputerName for restore (TFS 239635)

  • Q21698 - Failed to register devices because Ip4SubnetAddr column does not allow nulls. (TFS 232498)

  • Q21678 - Duplicate Devices in Tachyon and Nomad dashboards (TFS 229352)

  • Q21612 - Support for feature updates in TS (TFS 233798)

  • Q21610 - Known Subnets are showing under Unknown as well in Nomad Dashboard (TFS 234520)

  • Q21608 - CM sync's failing in CD due to FOREIGN KEY constraint (TFS 234770)

  • Q21598 - CM Sync's failing in Content Distribution (TFS 233608)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Business Intelligence:
  • None

Web Release-5.2 (28-Apr-2021)
Tachyon Server - Tachyon Toolkit - 1E Catalog - Software Lifecycle Automation - Business Intelligence - ContentDistribution - AppClarity - AppMigration
Platform v5.2
  • Tachyon Platform:

    • Support for Content Distribution and its Nomad app

    • Background Channel provides a reverse proxy (including devicesAuthentication options) to support communication between Nomad clients and Content Distribution

    • User Interface telemetry reports how the user interface is used

    • Device View provides a single page of details about any device with key information from and links to licensed Tachyon consumer applications

    • New feature that synchronously runs instructions on single device, with results briefly cached in memory instead of a database (used by the Device View feature)

  • Inventory application:

    • Microsoft Office 365 connector - new

    • 24 hours sync cycle for Tachyon connector

    • Direct-based management groups and sample PowerShell scripts

  • Settings application:

    • System health page - new

    • Deploy button on Consumers page to deploy all policies for all registered consumers, to support consumers that do not have their own Deploy button

  • Tachyon Setup:

    • Installation of Nomad consumer application

      • ActiveEfficiency is replaced by Content Distribution when upgrading, with database backup, and a redirect provided for legacy Nomad clients

      • Configures the reverse proxy in the Background Channel for new Nomad clients

      • Setup deploys Nomad event policies after successful installation

    • Tachyon Setup's Nomad screen now uses SMS Provider to locate SQL database, and validates CM Site server during installation and upgrade

    • Two-stage automation of Implementing a Tachyon DMZ Server

    • New option for User Interface telemetry on Tachyon Setup's Telemetry screen

    • Support for multiple HTTPS bindings

      • Selection of existing certificate during upgrade when multiple bindings are encountered

      • Option to specify an alternate HTTPS binding on Tachyon Setup's Website configuration screen - required for DMZ Server

Consumer applications for v5.2
  • AppClarity 7.1.105:

    The AppClarity 7.1.105 maintenance release contains a number of bug fixes:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 5.2

    • No features or feature changes added in this maintenance release.

    The main AppClarity 7.1 release contained the following features:

    • Works with Tachyon 5.1

    • Windows Server OS LDC

      • New license demand for core based licensing of Windows Server OS (calculated with-in Microsoft Core LDC)

      • Compliance calculation is now based on new license demand

    • Support for Currency Conversion

      • When you can set a default currency (other than USD) AppClarity now renders all reporting and financial numbers (or graphs) only in that set currency

    • New UI controlsNew UI controls have been added to improve the usability:

      • Report refresh - ability to refresh reports on individual pages, and the ability to view the status of the last report refresh

      • UI Controls - ability to choose columns as either shown or hidden on individual screens

    • Installation mode change

      • AppClarity installer is now included as an app with the Tachyon installer and can be installed and maintained this way

      • Hotfixing capability

    • Enhancements

      • Entitlement

        • New Active Entitlements Only toggle filter on Entitlement Summary page

        • The ability to export entitlement summary data

      • License Demand

        • Device names are now shown as hyperlinks on LDC reports

      • Compliance

        • Improved logic for rendering installs, and a new "Exempt" status on the compliance detailed table

        • Effective License Position (ELP) displayed for SQL Server components as it is for SQL Server entitlement

      • Reclaim

        • Reclaim product usage screen loading time is optimized for quick page load.

  • Application Migration 3.1.105:

    Features in the Application Migration 3.1.105 maintenance release:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 5.2

    • No new features in this maintenance release.

    Features in the main Application Migration 3.1 release:

    • Works with Tachyon 5.1

    • Improvements to upgrade rules to support scenarios where the currently installed software has a later version than the one listed in the upgrade rule - In versions prior to Application Migration 3.1, it was possible that upgrade rules had issues when the application they were trying to upgrade on the client devices were later versions than the ones they were trying to upgrade to. To remedy these unpredictable and unwanted results, now if an upgrade rule tries to downgrade an application then it will be ignored.

    • Application and Package installation success has been improved - this handles scenarios where the administrator has forgotten to check the Allow this application to be installed from the Install Application task sequence action without being deployed checkbox, which is a prerequisite for migrating an application. In practice, it was a common error for administrators to overlook this, which - in earlier versions - led to the Task Sequence failing. In Application Migration 3.1, if the administrator forgets to set the checkbox, a warning is now displayed that lets the administrator continue and Application Migration sets the option automatically.

    • Multiple exclusion of applications is now supported from the Installations page.

  • Explorer 5.2:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 5.2

    • Devices table and dashboard link through to Device View.

  • Experience 1.3:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 5.2

    • Deploy button on Surveys page now only deploys Experience policies

    • Devices page links through to Device View

    • 1E Experience product pack to support Experience features of the Device View

    • Users page "User session reactiveness" column has been renamed to "Application responsiveness"

  • Guaranteed State 1.5:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 5.2

    • Deploy button on Policies page now only deploys Guaranteed State policies

    • Integrated Product Packs:

      • MEMCM Client Health Integrated Product Pack (minor changes)

      • (minor changes)

      • (minor changes)

      • (minor changes).

    • Other Product Packs are available from the Tachyon Exchange:

  • Nomad 1.0 (New app in 5.2):

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 5.2

    • Modernized backend infrastructure - Nomad requires a back-end server, which was previously the legacy ActiveEfficiency platform, this has been replaced by the Tachyon Platform to provide Single-Site download, Pre-caching and a new Dashboard. For customers moving to Modern Management, Nomad provides visibility and control of Delivery Optimization, which is used by Intune, MS store and MS update.

    • Leverage the Tachyon Platform and 1E Client - with the Tachyon Platform you can enable further features including Experience, User Sentiment, Guaranteed State and Patch Success, as well as opening up real-time management to any task by acquiring the appropriate license.

    • Content Distribution - Content Distribution is a new component of the Tachyon Platform that provides control and visibility on content deployments and delivery in an organization

      • Replaces ActiveEfficiency features, maintaining support during upgrade for legacy Nomad clients (versions earlier than Nomad 7.1 in 1E Client 5.2)

      • Nomad 7.1 clients now connect to Tachyon Response Stack components (Switch and Background Channel) which act as a proxy for Content Distribution, and legacy clients continue to connect directly to Content Distribution.

    • Nomad app - the user interface for Content Distribution, provides real-time visibility of what content is downloading or available in each location, subnet and client, see how much WAN traffic is being saved overall and each day

      • Delivery Optimization (DO) Visibility - visibility of Delivery Optimization downloads and content availability in each location, subnet and device

      • Delivery Optimization (DO) and Windows Update Agent (WUA) monitoring - track Windows download or Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager deployments on clients being downloaded via Delivery Optimization in real time, their peer to peer downloads efficiency, sources of the downloaded content and see this reported in the Nomad app dashboards

      • Overview page - gives a high-level view of the current status of content throughout the entire network

      • Content page - provides a Content-centric view of content distributed throughout your network

      • Task Sequences page - provides that visibility by grouping the reference content for each Task Sequence into a single view, so you can see which content is cached and which is not

      • Devices page - lists all Devices that have sent Nomad device registration events and have sent download events within a selected time period, links through to Device View

      • Nomad Sites page - shows how the network is being used for content distribution in different locations

      • Client Health page - shows information from two Integrated Product Packs provided with the Tachyon Platform.

  • Patch Success 1.3:

    • Works with Tachyon Platform 5.2

    • Devices page and Patch Success Overview page link through to Device View

    • Unidentified patch publish dates show 'Not available' instead of 1970-01-01.

Product Packs for v5.2
  • Classic Product Packs:

    • (minor changes)

    • (new pack in 5.2, with instructions to support Device View)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes, additional instructions to support Device View)

    • (1E-Inventory-Device-GetProcessors improved, 1E-PatchSuccess-PatchStatus now only runs on Windows)

    • (new pack in 5.2, previously provided with Nomad, includes additional instructions to support Device View)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes, additional instructions to support Device View).

  • Integrated Product Packs:

    • MEMCM Client Health Integrated Product Pack (minor changes)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes).

  • Other Product Packs are available from the Tachyon Exchange:

Enhancements in v5.2
  • Platform:

    • Additional details in device online messages "OsLocale" and "OSInstallUtc" visible in Device View

    • Support for each consumer independently deploying its own policies

    • Support for dynamic Coordinator Module registration

    • Switch Performance Counters now support multiple switches

    • Switch denial-of-service protection is now set to off by default

    • Business Intelligence - credentials no longer stored in encrypted configuration file.

    • Support for SCCM2006 and SCCM2010

    • Support for Windows Server 2012 R2 dropped

  • Inventory application

    • Upgrade Improvements

    • Handling of unicode char of Vendor in Processor_cr and Device_cr during Catalog sync

    • The check has been extended for those Versions which have a long numeric value in the Product_cr and will not insert this kind of records in the 1ECatalog

    • Catalog product creation procedure has been modified to not attempt creating “Product” without corresponding "Vendor"

    • Check has been extended in case of Windows and Windows Server to include three-part version (10.0.x) in the Auto-curation, which will return the unique colloquial version.

  • Tachyon Setup

    • Consumer-specific policy deployment during upgrade/installation

    • Support to patch Tachyon Server successfully in SQL High-Availability Setup

    • Support to disable SQL scan during installation.

Enhancements for v5.2
Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Server (including Experience, Explorer, and Guaranteed State):
  • Q21426 - Platform - Guaranteed State policy changes are deployed without using Deploy button. (TFS 226416)

  • Q21424 - Platform - Infrastructure log error - StateMachine Initialise failed. Check for wrong XML in the workflow definition. (TFS 221269)

  • Q21422 - Platform - Mismatch between number of devices returned for Management Group and the count in the header (TFS 226897)

  • Q21420 - Platform - Some Clients are not responding to Tachyon instructions (TFS 226839)

  • Q21418 - Platform - Instructions not receiving any responses (TFS 226038)

  • Q21404 - Platform - Tachyon Switch crash when logging 'Session raw writes' (TFS 222683)

  • Q21342 - Platform - Experience Database growing at a steady pace filling up drive space (TFS 218297)

  • Q21340 - Platform - Devices being groomed from Tachyon database when the LastConnUtc being reset to time (zero) (TFS 220090)

  • Q21338 - Platform - Management Group membership synchronization from Platform to Experience is failing (TFS 220175)

  • Q21326 - Platform - Switch device upload thread stalled waiting for a HTTP response that never comes (TFS 219898)

  • Q21322 - Platform - DBNULL errors in Core API log (TFS 218336)

  • Q21320 - Platform - Number of clients shown online in console not matching connections (TFS 219164)

  • Q21316 - UI - Experience – Metrics hyperlinks do not work in What’s Changed (last 7 days) charts after applying hotfix Q21198 (TFS 218801)

  • Q21314 - Platform - Tachyon switch will crash on empty Management groups (TFS 218673)

  • Q21312 - Platform - Tachyon may fail to process experience data synchronization and cube processing (TFS 218349)

  • Q21310 - Platform – Scheduled UTC time for sync firing off at the wrong local time (TFS 218552)

  • Q21276 - Platform – Switch – Switch does not start (TFS 216338)

  • Q21274 - Platform - Switch - Tachyon shows 0 devices connected (TFS 211468)

  • Q21272 - Platform - Tachyon Switch does not send GS Policy until 1E Client restarts (TFS 217028)

  • Q21270 - Platform - Certain localization settings cause no data to appear in the Experience UI (TFS 217171)

  • Q21248 - UI - Experience - Experience Numbers don't add up (TFS 214589)

  • Q21246 - Platform - Licensing - Tachyon.lic filesize is larger than current limit (TFS 216700)

  • Q21244 - Platform - Tachyon Core API is exhausting ephemeral ports while offloading events (TFS 216403)

  • Q21242 - Platform - Tachyon Coordinator service seems to get stuck and email notifications are not sent to the Tachyon admin (TFS 212094)

  • Q21240 - Platform – Switch - Guaranteed State showing unknown state for certain rules. (TFS 216386)

  • Q21212 - Platform - Experience - SQL query fails with uncaught exception when trying to fetch events for selected device (TFS 214865)

  • Q21210 - Platform - Cube processing put a lock on UserSurveyPerformanceMetric table (TFS 214436)

  • Q21208 - UI - Guaranteed State - Not possible to apply filter when the windows size is not full screen (TFS 213722)

  • Q21206 - UI - Guaranteed State - Reports->Devices->View Details link - Not possible to view more than 100 records (scroll bar not available) (TFS 214207)

  • Q21204 - UI - Guaranteed State - Unauthorised error message is displayed for Guaranteed State Viewers user (TFS 215201)

  • Q21202 - UI - Experience - User Sentiment->Score calculation text indicates no survey is available, even though surveys are present (TFS 212676)

  • Q21200 - Platform - Experience - Description for overall experience score doesn't mention user sentiment (TFS 212609)

  • Q21198 - Platform - Experience - 'What's changed' chart on the Overview screen doesn't work if you add a filter when you have surveys. (TFS 213260)

  • Q21196 - UI - Experience - Devices page - sort order is not indicated when sorting with any column header except FQDN (TFS 212592)

  • Q21194 - UI - Experience - UI displays empty screen with 'An error ocurred' if a survey is deleted that's used by a preset. (TFS 213200)

  • Q21192 - Platform - Second is not a supported unit for date/time-based visualizations (TFS 213337)

  • Q21190 - Platform - Experience - Performance page -> Information icon missing for Network tile (TFS 212737)

  • Q21188 - UI - Experience - Sentiment->User Sentiment->View Detailed Data->sorting Matching devices is not working (TFS 212732)

  • Q21186 - UI - Experience - Surveys Page -> The selected survey responses cannot be sorted against Date column. (TFS 212678)

  • Q21184 - Platform - Experience - Devices page-> Cannot filter events against Description column on selected device event log (TFS 214215)

  • Q21182 - Platform - Experience - Users page incorrectly displays/sorts metrics if the name clashes with a 'User Sentiment' survey (TFS 212604)

  • Q21180 - UI - Experience - Breakdown By drop down-> Others Filter -> Should not be allowed to drill into (TFS 214859)

  • Q21178 - Platform - Guaranteed State - Reports->Devices->View Details link lists the records in ASC order, by default instead of DESC (TFS 214204)

  • Q21176 - Platform - Duplicate non-metric survey can be created by Clone Survey action (TFS 215348)

  • Q21174 - Platform - Certain regional settings break device performance scoring (TFS 214980)

  • Q21164 - AppClarity upgrade is failing due to HTTP request timeout while uploading the ACS file from Portal API to SLA Platform API (TFS 214950)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - SLA:
  • Q21392 - SLA: Virtual machines categorized into the “Unknown” category (TFS 220815)

  • Q21390 - SLA: AppClarity loading individual entitlements takes 50 seconds (TFS 217118)

  • Q21344 - SLA : Failure when editing policy. (TFS 218751)

  • Q21318 - SLA - SCCM Connector sync fails when a device is reported as having 0 processor cores (TFS 218609)

  • Q21157 - SLA: Upgraded schedules can not be edited for some cases (TFS 213456)

  • Q21155 - SLA - Data type conversion error occurs during the Basic Inventory Consolidation if the date is older than epoch date (TFS 211476)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Catalog:
  • Q21234 - Patch Success doesn't show specific information regarding the Operating System

  • Q21168 - SLA - Tachyon Sync Failing (BIC) with Rollback Transaction Error

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - AppClarity:
  • Q21308 - AppClarity - Reclaim action results are not saved for optional reclaim policies on certain products (TFS 211745)

  • Q21306 - AppClarity – Missing costs affect calculation of Effective License Position (TFS 193527)

  • Q21304 - AppClarity – Perpetual entitlements with future dates are included with 'Active Entitlements Only' filter (TFS 213388)

  • Q21302 - AppClarity – Entitlement import increases the Quantity of licenses (TFS 212841)

  • Q21300 - AppClarity – Reclaim Usage page does not load in Internet Explorer browser (TFS 208574)

  • Q21298 - AppClarity – While creating a New License entitlement, certain characters in the Product SKU field cause an error (TFS 208968)

  • Q21296 - AppClarity – A duplicate entitlement is created when an existing entitlement with SKU is edited and saved as draft (TFS 197392)

  • Q21294 - AppClarity – Entitlement import incorrectly saves Version as .* (TFS 186415)

  • Q21292 - AppClarity – When a Reclaim policy is cancelled, the Provider log does not show "Completed On" time in UTC (TFS 211766)

  • Q21290 - AppClarity – The Top 10 Saving Opportunities chart incorrectly filters the Reclaim Usage table (TFS 211166)

  • Q21288 - AppClarity – Entitlements created as Colloquial version are converted to DotFormat version (TFS 211159)

  • Q21238 - AppClarity – Pagination not working in Entitlements Contracts page (TFS 213990)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Application Migration:
  • Q21410 - Broken association API improvement to handle large application migration rules count (TFS 222660)

  • Q21286 - Application Migration – allow use of OU Path rule (TFS 213954)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Business Intelligence:
  • Q21428 - BI - Cube having a slow refresh time with SQL views (TFS 222048)

Web Release-5.1 (03-Sep-2020)
Tachyon Server - Tachyon Toolkit - 1E Catalog - Software Lifecycle Automation - Business Intelligence - ActiveEfficiency Server - AppClarity - AppMigration
Platform v5.1
  • Tachyon:

    • Improved support for multi-forest and multi-domain Active Directory environments. Multiple domains can be set during setup.

    • Telemetry gathering on Tachyon usage statistics to help with 1E's continued product improvement initiative.

    • Tachyon Portal and emails can be customized with your company logo and branding.

    • Support withdrawn for Internet Explorer 11 and Legacy Microsoft Edge.

    • Switch Performance Counters.

    • Enhancements:

      • RBAC naming has been improved by changing the permissions name from Instrumentation to Infrastructure.

      • Support for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager CB 2002.

      • Tachyon platform instrumentation data is now exposed as Windows Performance Counters.

      • Platform installation and deployment has been simplified by eliminating the Tachyon CoreInternal component.

  • Inventory application:

    • The Inventory application has some additional pages that provide information on your system, as gathered by inventory connectors:

      • The Software Inventory section provides Dashboard, Aggregate and Product Usage pages to help you understand the software that is installed in your enterprise

      • The Hardware section lets you investigate the virtual machines and physical devices present in your enterprise by using its Hardware Inventory, Virtual Summary and Device pages

    • Export option now available on the Inventory→Hardware→Hardware Inventory page.

    • Sync actions for Connectors allow you select which data categories you want to sync, and if you want to run AI Powered Auto-curation as part of Basic Inventory Consolidation (BIC) process that runs after each sync.

    • 1E Catalog:

      • Improved hotfix capability.

      • Catalog documentation merged with Tachyon.

  • Settings application:

    • Tachyon connector optimization - the duration of inventory instructions has been reduced from 7 days to 15 minutes to allow them to be run more frequently

    • Other Connector optimizations:

      • Ability to request selected data when scheduling a sync. For example, Device, Software, User, Patch etc. This has been added to the Tachyon, Configuration Manager and ServiceNow connectors

      • The Device and Patch Consolidation reports have been split from the Basic Inventory Consolidation action. Patch Success users can now just execute the Device and Patch consolidation reports rather than running a complete Basic Inventory Consolidation.

      • AI actions have been decoupled from the Inventory synchronization cycles.

    • A new Provider log page has been added that provides the status of Provider related operations

    • AI Powered Auto-curation can be turned on or off from the Components page.

    • Intune connector - device, software and user data can now be retrieved from your Intune infrastructure.

  • Tachyon Setup enhancements:

    • Maintenance screen Hotfixing feature to upload and apply a 1E Hotfix bundle.

    • Installation of AppClarity 7.1 and Application Migration 3.1 (using their installers).

Consumer applications for v5.1
  • AppClarity 7.1:

    • Windows Server OS LDC

      • New license demand for core based licensing of Windows Server OS (calculated with-in Microsoft Core LDC)

      • Compliance calculation is now based on new license demand

    • Support for Currency Conversion

      • When you can set a default currency (other than USD) AppClarity now renders all reporting and financial numbers (or graphs) only in that set currency

    • New UI controls have been added to improve the usability:

      • Report refresh - ability to refresh reports on individual pages, and the ability to view the status of the last report refresh

      • UI Controls - ability to choose columns as either shown or hidden on individual screens

    • Installation mode change

      • AppClarity installer is now included as an app with the Tachyon installer and can be installed and maintained this way

      • Hotfixing capability

    • Enhancements

      • Entitlement

        • New Active Entitlements Only toggle filter on Entitlement Summary page

        • The ability to export entitlement summary data

      • License Demand

        • Device names are now shown as hyperlinks on LDC reports

      • Compliance

        • Improved logic for rendering installs, and a new "Exempt" status on the compliance detailed table

        • Effective License Position (ELP) displayed for SQL Server components as it is for SQL Server entitlement

      • Reclaim

        • Reclaim product usage screen loading time is optimized for quick page load.

  • Application Migration 3.1:

    • Improvements to upgrade rules to support scenarios where the currently installed software has a later version than the one listed in the upgrade rule - In versions prior to Application Migration 3.1, it was possible that upgrade rules had issues when the application they were trying to upgrade on the client devices were later versions than the ones they were trying to upgrade to. To remedy these unpredictable and unwanted results, now if an upgrade rule tries to downgrade an application then it will be ignored.

    • Application and Package installation success has been improved - this handles scenarios where the administrator has forgotten to check the Allow this application to be installed from the Install Application task sequence action without being deployed checkbox, which is a prerequisite for migrating an application. In practice, it was a common error for administrators to overlook this, which - in earlier versions - led to the Task Sequence failing. In Application Migration 3.1, if the administrator forgets to set the checkbox, a warning is now displayed that lets the administrator continue and Application Migration sets the option automatically.

    • Multiple exclusion of applications is now supported from the Installations page.

  • Experience 1.2:

    • The Tachyon Experience score has been greatly enhanced to include User Sentiment - this means that, not only can you monitor the stability, responsiveness, and performance of the devices on your network to deduce your end-users satisfaction with their IT services, you can send out surveys and incorporate your end-users actual feedback directly into the picture.

      • The Tachyon Experience score displayed on the Overview page includes user sentiment values, please refer to The Scores for more information.

      • The Categories page includes a Sentiment tile showing the current User Sentiment score.

      • The Sentiment page lets you view the User Sentiment score on its own and drill down to view users and monitor their feedback and pain points.

    • End-User Surveys - two types of survey are supported: User Sentiment and General Purpose. User Sentiment Surveys contribute towards the Tachyon Experience score, General Purpose Surveys can be used to ask one-off questions of your end-users and get their feedback on any issue. The Surveys page is where you can create, enable and deploy surveys.

    • A Users page is provided that lets you get information on the end-users on the devices in your network.

    • Customize the Tachyon Experience pages to view the interactive charts you want to focus on - including the display of the results from your User Sentiment surveys on the Sentiment page.

  • Explorer 5.1:

    • No changes

  • Guaranteed State 1.4:

    • The workflow on the rule creation page has been improved, so that all the information you need to enter is presented on a single page, making it easier to create rules.

    • Support for digital signing, versioning and licensing of Guaranteed State policy fragments. This requires that upgrading to Tachyon 5.1 has a new license.

  • Patch Success 1.2.104:

    • No changes to this application for this maintenance release.

Product Packs for v5.1
  • Classic Product Packs:

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes, new 1E-Explorer-TachyonAgent-Set1EClientAgentConfig)

    • (minor changes)

    • (1E-Inventory-Device-GetProcessors improved, 1E-PatchSuccess-PatchStatus now only runs on Windows)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes).

  • Integrated Product Packs:

    • All fragments are now signed, and have InstructionType defined

    • MEMCM Client Health Integrated Product Pack - (new improved replacement for Microsoft SCCM Client Health Integrated Product Pack)

    • Microsoft SCCM Client Health Integrated Product Pack


    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes).

  • Other Product Packs are available from the Tachyon Exchange:

Enhancements for v5.1
Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Server:
  • Q21118 - Tachyon Clients machines unable to receive instructions (TFS 209695)

  • Q21100 - Platform - Coordinator - Delay in sending email causing approval to fail (TFS 198224)

  • Q21098 - Platform - Tachyon Instructions - Approvals taking multiple times to get approved whilst email addresses are being resolved (TFS 201850)

  • Q21058 - UI - Explorer - Schedule instruction scheduler presents unclear time setting for non UTC sites. (TFS 203430)

  • Q21056 - Platform - Tachyon does not resolve group membership correctly (TFS 201849)

  • Q21054 - Platform - AD group membership update causes time out in Tachyon portal (TFS 203074)

  • Q21052 - Platform - Tachyon unable to perform scheduled sync (TFS 204203)

  • Q20994 - Platform - Experience - Tachyon Platform installed against SQL Server Evaluation edition fails to support partitioning (TFS 200801)

  • Q20992 - Platform - Configurable authentication dialog before sending action in Explorer (TFS 195947)

  • Q20990 - Platform - Experience - UDP Send time, Disk Random AccessTime, Disk Sequential Access time and Registry Write HKLM values are being scored as 0 (TFS 200770)

  • Q20988 - UI - Experience - Devices screen needs to report more digits for experience values (TFS 199506)

  • Q20986 - Platform - Coordinator is not loading the entire license upon flat license request (TFS 199897)

  • Q20984 - Platform - Experience - Memory Hard page faults - scoring is wrong (TFS 199843)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - SLA:
  • Q21108 - Views have been introduced to view inventory data under 'SLA-Data'database (TFS 208158)

  • Q21106 - Mapping between Product and a SCCM package/application didn’t persist after clean sync/clear (TFS 210042)

  • Q21104 - Tachyon connector sync should not delete the sync schedule if sync fails and retry again in next sync. (TFS 204587)

  • Q21102 - Performance improvements in clean sync and clear data actions. (TFS 210045)

  • Q21090 - SLA - Management group evaluation and ETL cube processing fail with Arithmetic Overflow error (TFS 206524)

  • Q20924 - Clear Data action was clearing the data from SLA Reports (TFS 198458)

  • Q20922 - Reclaim API changes to support multiple command lines (TFS 199059)

  • Q20920 - Support Disabling Remote Access option in Product (TFS 190817)

  • Q20918 - No option was present in Tachyon connector to separate the actions for “Consolidation Reports” from the “Sync Data” action. (TFS 198649)

  • Q20916 - Products with special character like “uTorrent" were not getting normalized with Catalog even though match rules existed. (TFS 197516)

  • Q20914 - Data disappears on sorting on Product to CM Association Tab (TFS 197878)

  • Q20912 - The number of devices in Patch Success was reset and had to repopulate (TFS 194114)

  • Q20910 - The new OU Path in Management Group rules is not working correctly with contains (TFS 197293)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - 1E Catalog:
  • Added "Not Remove" and "Not Patch" condition for SetfolderPermission custom action to support catalog hotfix (TFS 208305)

  • Sync is failing in case only TLS 1.2 is enabled on client (TFS 206213)

  • Creation of entitlements in AppClarity resulted in merged entitlements for different release of windows server for example, Windows 2019 and 2016 (TFS -204034)

  • Deletion of records in case of Incremental Sync from Prediction Results (TFS 203575)

  • Performance improvement in AI Engine (TFS 201562)

  • XML Wrapper SP for SurrogateKey Feature (TFS 200529)

  • Provided grant permission in stored procedure "EntitlementProductversionEditionExpensionMD5_se“ (TFS 200452)

  • Handling of Unicode values for vendor in Devices and Processors stored procedures (TFS 199898)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - AppClarity:
  • Q20962 - Incorrect license demand calculations for VM cluster in case of Oracle LDC (TFS 200689)

  • Q20960 - Oracle installations not visible on compliance summary by title & ELP report when product installed on VMs and demand computed on physical clusters (TFS 198809)

  • Q20958 - Software can be reclaimed from any device, and will not depend on Device Type anymore, in fact considers only Operating System of device (TFS 200632)

  • Q20956 - After upgrade to v7.0, entitlement summary screen and/or license / maintenances screen displays null error (TFS 199952)

  • Q20954 - After upgrade, on reclaim usage summary screen, Saving Opportunity graph is crashing due IsLicenseRequired null value error (TFS 199953)

  • Q20952 - Multiple Uninstall command lines in a reclaim policy are not supported (TFS 199947)

  • Q20950 - Reclaim policy cannot be Save draft/publish as disabled (TFS 199754)

  • Q20948 - All software installations under 'License Exemption' management group not exempting from compliance (TFS 199980)

  • Q20946 - Display changes for compliance details of LDC products (TFS 199954)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Application Migration:


Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Business Intelligence:
  • Q21078 - Patch Success - 400 year old patch causes cube process failure

  • Q21076 - ETL sync is taking an excessive amount of time to complete

Web Release-5.0 (18-MAR-2020)
Tachyon Server - Tachyon Toolkit - 1E Catalog - Software Lifecycle Automation - Business Intelligence - ActiveEfficiency Server
Platform v5.0
  • Tachyon:

    • Switch now supports Windows Certificate Store (instead of Switch certificate files)

    • Eventing mechanism allows propagation of live events in real-time from 1E Client to consumers

  • SLA:

    • Support for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager CB1910 and Microsoft SQL Server 2019

  • 1E Catalog:

    • Hotfix capability

    • Support for EXE file mapping to multiple products

    • Surrogate keys - used in tracking changes to 1E Catalog - allows for example, details of the original vendor to be retained when a product is acquired by a new vendor

    • Catalog UI should set the "Customer" as submission source instead of "1E" for customer curated data

    • UNSPSC Software Category must be available to user in human-readable format on the SLA UI

    • Changes to support "Latest Version" field in SLA - Extra column will be returned during SLA normalization with Catalog

    • AI Auto-curated entries are not deleted after a sync/resync/upgrade

    • Installer enhancements:

      • AI model file download switch (Installer and DB setting); default off

      • Catalog installer changes to support TLS 1.2 using ADO.NET SQLClient

      • Support for Network Service account

      • Remove sysadmin requirement in installation

      • Custom user entries in Web.config file need to be parsed and added back to the new config file during Catalog upgrade

  • Settings application:

    • Permissions->Add User search has changed from search-as-you-type to search on demand. This can be done against Users or Groups or Both, by clicking search icon available

    • Provider Configuration->New option called "Test" has been added which is only enabled when SCCM Connector exists. Otherwise the option is disabled, even for Provider Configuration Administrator and Global Administrator. Required for AppMigration/AppClarity

  • Inventory application (new in v5.0):

    • AI Powered Auto-curation

    • Software Inventory, including aggregation

    • Hardware Inventory, including summaries for devices and virtual hosts

    • Manage associations between inventoried products and Configuration Manager applications and packages

  • Tachyon Setup:

    • When upgrading from SLA Platform 3.3 its SLA users are migrated to become Tachyon users with no roles assigned

    • Network Service is used for the 1E Catalog Update Service instead of a domain account

    • "Business Intelligence" option to allow independent installation of BI

    • Maintenance page provides Server Certificate option to update certificate bindings, that also provides better troubleshooting experience

    • Installation of new Experience application

    • Option to enable the AI Powered Auto-curation feature

    • Extends db_ddladmin permission on Tachyon Master database, in addition to existing db_datareader and db_datawriter

    • Supports backup of all installed components and their respective databases during upgrade

    • Clickable link to download missing pre-requisite Visual C++ 2013 redistributable

    • The 'License File' step now occurs before "Select components" to validate the allowed components/features in license file

Consumer applications for v5.0
  • AppClarity 7.0(available separately from the 1E Support Portal, not included in Tachyon Setup)

  • Application Migration 3.0(available separately from the 1E Support Portal, not included in Tachyon Setup)

  • Experience 1.0 (new application in v5.0)

  • Explorer 5.0:

    • The Response page has a new option to show raw data when an aggregated instruction is asked

  • Guaranteed State 1.3:

    • Overview dashboard has been rearranged as a result of field feedback

    • The term "Policy" has been removed from all the tiles on Overview dashboard

    • The Rule type filter does not contain "Event" any longer. Only Check and Fix types are supported

    • Cosmetic casing changes - View History now reads "View history" and View Details" now reads "View details"

    • The dashboard header statistics have been improved

    • Guaranteed State now supports table partitioning (SQL Server feature for better performance)

  • Patch Success 1.2:

    • The Patch and Device details screens now allow Updating of all devices and patches for a given patch or a device respectively

    • Performance improvements

Product Packs for v5.0
  • Product Packs listed below are now included in the Tachyon Platform zip, previously they were in a separate Tachyon Product Packs zip

  • Tachyon.ProductPackDeploymentTool.exe (tool relocated from the Integrated folder to the root folder, so it can be used to upload Classic and Integrated packs, and be started by Tachyon Setup)

  • Classic Product Packs:

    • (minor changes to instructions)

    • (minor changes to instructions plus new instructions for location)

    • (minor changes to instructions plus new instructions for firewalls)

    • (new, renamed from previously included in the SLA installer)

    • (updated instructions and renamed zip)

    • (renamed zip)

  • Integrated Product Packs:

    • (1 new rule)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes)

    • (minor changes)



  • Other Product Packs are available from the Tachyon Exchange:

Enhancements for v5.0
Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Server:
  • Q20709 - Platform - Unable to Stop Tachyon Actions/Questions (TFS 189888)

  • Q20652 - Platform - Switch is discarding the policy status message from 1E client if it receives both policy and instruction response from same device on same worker thread (TFS 189178)

  • Q20642 - Platform - GS- Overview dashboard is not reflecting the Device and policy rule status change correctly (TFS 188870)

  • Q20640 - Platform - Server - Multiseries response visualization has wrong count (TFS 187380)

  • Q20638 - Platform - Tachyon Coordinator Service fails to start up successfully (TFS 187750)

  • Q20578 - Platform - Management group sync is failing when a MG assigned to Guaranteed state policy is deleted (TFS 184629)

  • Q20576 - Platform - Implement solution for switch certificate without device FQDN (TFS 184623)

  • Q20552 - Platform - Instruction sent to all devices when Switch fails to download list of targeted devices from Core (TFS 182945)

  • Q20550 - Platform - Policy Caching issue on status changes (TFS 178541)

  • Q20548 - Platform - GS Policies report displaying compliant devices as unknown incorrectly (TFS 180742)

  • Q20546 - Platform - GS - Broken filtering on Policy and rule reports (TFS 180313)

  • Q20544 - Platform - Core discards policy-catchups with exceed max length (TFS 182324)

  • Q20542 - Platform - GS - Remediations report (and maybe elsewhere) not returning data when orphaned policy data exists (TFS 182338)

  • Q20540 - Platform - Cannot deploy an empty policy (TFS 182235)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - SLA:
  • Q20713 - Generate Report - ETL is taking too long (TFS 192684)

  • Q20703 - The Clean Sync box, in the Schedules UI, is showing the opposite setting to the actual setting in the database (TFS 189942)

  • Q20701 - Software Reclaim shows Unreported for most of the products (TFS 185935)

  • Q20699 - Patch Success does not show all the available Inventory repositories in the dashboards (TFS 190699)

  • Q20697 - Consumer installation fails for remote SQL Server and named instance (TFS 175916)

  • Q20604 - Web - ETL performance at scale (TFS 180087)

  • Q20602 - Patch Success Dashboard is not showing all Endpoint Patch data (TFS 180018)

Hotfixes rolled up into this release - 1E Catalog:
  • Catalog UI: While editing processor match rule only Source Family, Source Model and Source Name field (TFS 182917)

  • Catalog Sync/Resync: For fresh Installation there is Error in recreating indexes after Sync (TFS 182597)

  • WebUI- Data curated by the client have the submission source = 1E instead of the customer (TFS 178528)

  • Site defined records are not getting processed, if they are in the queue table of Staging database (TFS 169408)

  • ENABLETLS12=0 shows check marked in installer (TFS 156106)

  • Catalog Installer Preference for site defined vendor alias in case duplicate vendor alias exist in catalog (TFS 155362)

  • Resync fails to insert site defined [EntitlementProductProductMatchs] (TFS 154327)

  • DROPOLDDB=0 enables the Drop old database option in the Database Server installer screen (TFS 154299)

  • Resync fails to insert site defined [EntitlementProductSet] (TFS 154193)

Web Release-4.1 (24-JUN-2019)
Tachyon Server - Tachyon Toolkit - 1E Catalog - Software Lifecycle Automation - Business Intelligence - ActiveEfficiency Server
Platform v4.1
  • Tachyon Setup has been expanded to include ActiveEfficiency Server: this is in order to support the Nomad Dashboard and Nomad download pause features.

  • Tachyon Setup has also been extended with the following features:

    • Uninstallation, and also inclusion of MSPs at install-time

    • Re(registration) of applications from Maintenance page

    • Consumer-level workflow override (e.g. for ServiceNow integration)

    • Support for partial upgrades

    • Ability to run Tachyon Product Pack Deployment Tool to upload Product Packs

  • Tachyon toolkit consumers are registered automatically during installation

  • Improvement on Action processing

  • Improvements to Explorer:

    • A new Instruction Detail dialog has been added to the Instruction History page that shows information on the selected instruction

    • Improvements have been made to the Device Detail dialog on the Devices page

  • Improvements to Guaranteed State

    • The Rule Status tile and corresponding drill-downs have been improved

    • Rule editing is now supported

    • A Device Detail dialog has been added

    • A Remediation report is now available that shows what remediations have been applied

    • The dashboard header statistics have been improved

    • Performance improvements

  • Improvements to Patch Success:

    • The Patch performance dashboard tile can now be used to interactively filter the page

    • A new Monitoring menu has been added that displays the history and responses for the Patch Success instructions

    • Performance improvements

  • Support has been confirmed for:

    • Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager CB1902

Product Packs for v4.1
  • Classic Product Packs (updated for 4.1):






  • Integrated Product Packs (new for 4.1):






  • Tachyon.ProductPackDeploymentTool.exe (new)

  • Other Product Packs are available from the Tachyon Exchange:

Enhancements for v4.1
Hotfixes rolled up into this release - Server:
  • Q20520 - Platform - Instruction sent to all devices when Switch fails to download list of targeted devices from Core (TFS 182945)

  • Q20486 - Tachyon Guaranteed State dashboard is reporting the device compliance status incorrectly as “unknown”. (TFS 176304)

  • Q20484 - Tachyon Switch failing to honour the log roll over setting (TFS 178311)

  • Q20470 - 1E Tachyon Switch Host service fails to start after upgrading to Tachyon server 4.0 (TFS 175839)