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1E 23.7 (SaaS)

Content Distribution client requirements

Information that will help you design and plan the implementation of Content Distribution in your organization. This includes all the prerequisites and dependencies, which are necessary to install 1E Client with Content Distribution client enabled.


Content Distribution client features are not required if the 1E Client is being installed only to support 1E, Shopping, or WakeUp. However, Content Distribution can be used to help platform clients download content from the Background Channel and other sources. For more detail, please refer to 1E platform client integration with Content Distribution.

Content Distribution infrastructure dependencies

For a full understanding of Content Distribution features and their configuration, please refer to Introducing Content Distribution documentation.

In addition to deploying 1E Client (with Content Distribution client module enabled) on all computers and on Configuration Manager Distribution Points, the following are also required:

  • Content Distribution tools installed on Configuration Manager sites and SMS Providers

  • Content Distribution Configuration Manager Console extensions on Configuration Manager site servers, any other computer that has the Configuration Manager Console installed.

Content Distribution can be used for downloading content for platform clients, as well as Configuration Manager clients.

Downloading client content and Content Distribution integration

1E Client downloads content from the 1E Background Channel. Content is mainly scripts and other files required by instructions. It also includes client resources such as extensible modules, providers, and other dependencies to maintain the 1E Client. In most cases, client resources are version controlled to prevent repeated downloads. 1E instructions always request a download even if they have run an instruction before, unless the content for that instruction has been cached in memory.

You may need to consider the impact on the network if there is a large amount of content included in an instruction. This is more of an operational consideration instead of a design consideration.

Content Distribution is an optionally licensed component of the 1E Client. It makes software deployment, patching and downloading content more efficient and reduces the impact on the network. It removes the need for remote Distribution Point servers in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager systems. When Content Distribution is installed on computers, it automatically elects a peer to download content from a server over the WAN and then peer-shares the content with other PCs at the same location. The downloaded content is cached locally on each PC in case it is needed again.

1E can optionally use Content Distribution to download content from servers irrespective of whether Content Distribution is integrated with Configuration Manager or not, and also uses advanced Content Distribution features.

1E platform client integration with Content Distribution disabled

If Content Distribution integration is not used, the following applies:

  • 1E platform client waits a randomized stagger period defined by its DefaultStaggerRangeSeconds (refer to DEFAULTSTAGGERRANGESECONDS for details) setting, and then downloads content from the specified Background Channel.

  • 1E platform client retains modules and extensible that it has downloaded but does not retain instruction scripts after they have been run. Any instruction that requires a script or other file will download the latest version each time the instruction is run.

1E Client integration with Content Distributionenabled

Content Distribution integration is available on Windows PC devices and is enabled by default, but can be disabled during installation of the 1E Client.

With the Content Distribution integration feature enabled, 1E Client will detect if a supported version of Content Distribution is running on the device.

  • 1E Client immediately requests Content Distribution to download content from the specified HTTP source, such as the Background Channel. Content Distribution behaves in the same way as it does with Configuration Manager by ensuring the latest version of content is obtained and electing a master to perform the actual download.

  • Content Distribution maintains its own cache of downloaded content which avoids the need for repeat downloads over the WAN, and provides content to peers that require the same resources which avoids peer devices having to download over the WAN.

  • If the Content Distribution integration feature is enabled, and requested content is not provided within the timeout period, the 1E Client will fall back to downloading directly from the HTTP source. The most likely reason for a timeout is if Content Distribution is busy downloading other content.

To use Content Distribution, there is no special configuration of 1E Servers unless you want to use server-based features provided by the Content Distribution and Content Distribution, which requires the reverse proxy feature to be configured on Background Channels.

The Background Channel is a web application on the 1E Server which uses HTTPS and default port is 443. The URL for the Background Channel is defined in the 1E Client configuration file and is specified during installation of the 1E Client if 1E features are enabled. The 1E Client passes this URL to Content Distribution when it requests content to be downloaded. Instructions can also specify other HTTP sources.

Content Distribution does not need to be configured to use certificates in order to communicate with the Background Channel (the Content Distribution CertIssuer and CertSubject settings are used only with Configuration Manager Distribution Points that are configured to validate device certificates).

The Nomad Single-Site Download (SSD) feature, which uses Content Distribution, further reduces the impact of downloading content over the WAN.

Firewall ports

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