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1E 23.7 (SaaS)

Known issues




When Creating a Device Collection on the Agent screens the Limiting Collection may be missing

On an Agent screen an existing collection may be selected using the Browse button, but if a name is then typed into the Create/Select Device Collection field, the Limiting Collection will initially be missing.

Clicking or tabbing to another field will resolve the issue.

The CDA wizard may terminate with a program exception under certain circumstances.

If the connection to Configuration Manager is dropped after the initial connection test in the wizard has succeeded a program exception may occur if the connection is re-established.

You will need to check the status of Configuration Manager and confirm that it is up and running before re-trying to run the CDA wizard.

1E Clients are not being installed on Windows 11 devices.

Applcations > Deployment Types and Packages > Programs do not have the Windows 11 Operating System enabled by default in Configuration Manager.

The Windows 11 (64-bit) needs to be manually enabled in order to allow 1E Clients to be installed on these devices.