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NightWatchman Enterprise 7.3


NightWatchman Management Center provides a number of reports on power consumption across your network. To view the reports, navigate to the NightWatchman Management Center Report Console at: http://<ReportWebsite>/ReportConsole where <ReportWebsite> is the name of the server where the it is installed.

Nightwatchman report categories

If the website is installed locally, use local host instead its server name.

Nightwatchman reports are categorised as follows:

Power Management





As compared to a baseline

Weekly – a before and after comparison of your savings in a weekly format

Parameters for the weekly savings against a baseline report
  • Exported as NWM_SavingsAsComparedToABaselineWeekly.xls

  • Previously known as Weekly NightWatchman savings and was found under the Savings reporting group for Savings from power behavior

Yearly – a before and after comparison of your savings in an annual format.

Parameters for the annual savings against a baseline report
  • Exported as NWM_SavingsAsComparedToABaselineYearly.xls

  • Previously known as Yearly NightWacthman savings and was found under Savings reporting group for Savings from power behavior

Utility rebate data – a before and after comparison of your savings to submit to your utility provider to claim rebates

Parameters for the utility rebate data report
  • Exported as NWM_UtilityRebateData.xls

  • Previously known as Yearly utility provider savings – kWh and was found under the Savings reporting group for Utility rebate


Cost savings – an estimate of your cost savings without a baseline comparison.

Parameters for the cost savings report
  • Exported as NWM_CostSavingsEstimates.xls

  • Previously known as Cost savings, monthly and was found under the Savings reporting group for Power savings estimates

Potential power and cost savings, daily – a what-if analysis displaying your potential savings on a daily basis if you used a power management policy.

Parameters for the potential daily power savings and costs report
  • Exported as NWM_PotentialPowerAndCostSavingsDaily.xls

  • Previously known as Power saving estimator, daily and was found under the Savings reporting group for Power savings estimates

Potential power and cost savings, monthly – a what-if analysis displaying your potential savings on a monthly basis if you used a power management policy.

Parameters for the potential monthly power savings and costs report
  • Exported as NWM_PotentialPowerAndCostSavingsMnthly.xls

  • Previously known as Power saving estimator, monthly and was found under the Savings reporting group for Power savings estimates

Power savings – your estimated power savings.

Parameters for the power savings estimates report
  • Exported as NWM_PowerSavingsEstimates.xls

  • Previously known as kWh savings, monthly and was found under the Savings reporting group for Power savings estimates


Savings by overriding sleepless processes.

Parameters for the savings by overriding sleepless processes report
  • Exported as NWM_SavingsByOverridingSleeplessProcesses.xls

  • Previously known as Weekly sleepless savings and was found under the Savings reporting group for Savings from sleepless


By computer, grouped by organizational groups

Daily – daily power consumption for devices within an organization group.

Parameters for the daily consumption report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerconsumptionbycomputerdaily.xls

  • Previously known as Individual department/computer report and was found under the Power consumption and costs by department/computer reports group

Monthly – monthly power consumption for devices within an organisation group.

Parameters for the monthly consumption report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerconsumptionbycomputermonthly.xls

  • Previously known as Monthly individual department/computer report and was found under the Power consumption and costs by department/computer reports group

Group comparisons

Daily – group power consumption in a daily format.

Parameters for the daily power consumption group comparison report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerconsumptiongroupcomparisonsdaily.xls

  • Previously known as Cross reference report from daily data and was found under the Energy, Cost and Emissions reporting group for Cross reference

Monthly – group power consumption in a monthly format.

Parameters for the monthly power consumption group comparison report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerconsumptiongroupcomparisonsmonthly.xls

  • Previously known as Cross reference report from monthly data and was found under the Energy, Cost and Emissions reporting group for Cross reference

Over time

For locations, weekly – weekly power consumption in terms of kWh, costs and environmental impact by location.

Parameters for the weekly power consumption by location report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerconsumptionforaweekbylocations.xls

  • Peviously known as Weekly energy, cost and emissions by location and was found under the Energy, Cost and Emissions reporting group for Energy usage summaries

For organizational groups, weekly – weekly power consumption in terms of kWh, costs and environmental impact by organization groups.

Parameters for the weekly power consumption by organization groups report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerconsumptionforaweekbyorganizationalgroups.xls

  • Previously known as Weekly energy, cost and emissions by organization and was found under the Energy, Cost and Emissions reporting group for Energy usage summaries

For locations, yearly (Report title: Power consumption for a year by location) – your annual power consumption in terms of kWh, costs and environmental impact by location.

Parameters for the annual power consumption by location report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerconsumptionforayearbylocations.xls

  • Previously known as Yearly energy, cost and emissions by location and was found under the Energy, Cost and Emissions reporting drop for Energy usage summaries

For organisational groups, yearly – your annual power consumption in terms of kWh, costs and environmental impact by organization groups.

Parameters for the annual power consumption by organization groups report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerconsumptionforayearbyorganizationalgroups.xls

  • Previously known as Yearly energy, cost and emissions by organization was found under the Energy, Cost and Emissions reporting group for Energy usage summaries

Power scheme compliance

Power scheme compliance by department – computers with power schemes by organization groups.

Parameters for the power scheme compliance by department report
  • Exported as NWM_Powerschemecompliancebydepartment.xls

Power states

For an individual client, daily – power states for a particular device over a given period of time.

Parameters for the daily power states for a computer
  • Exported as NWM_Powerstatesforacomputerdaily.xls

  • Previously known as Daily power state activity and found under the Operational reporting group for Power state

For an individual client, weekly – power states for a particular device over a particular week.

Parameters for the weekly power states for a computer
  • Exported as NWM_Powerstatesforacomputerweekly.xls

  • Previously known as Timeline for an individual client and found under the Operational reporting group for Power state

For selected computers, weekly – the proportion of power states (on, off, standby, etc) on a daily basis over the duration of a week.

Parameters for weekly power states for computers
  • Exported as NWM_Powerstatesforcomputersweekly.xls

  • Previously known as Weekly time in state and found under the Operational reporting group for Power state

For selected computers, yearly – the proportion of power states (on, off, standby, etc) on a weekly basis over the duration of a year.

Parameters for annual power states for computers
  • Exported as NWM_Powerstatesforcomputersyearly.xls

  • Previously known as Yearly time in state and found under the Operational reporting group for Power state

Sleepless clients

Problematic input devices – devices that are not able to enter sleep mode due to keyboard or mouse issues.

Parameters for problematic input devices report
  • Exported as NWM_Sleeplessnesscausedbyinputdevices.xls

  • Previously known as Untrusted input devices and found under the Operational reporting group for Sleepless client

Busy and sleepless processes – devices that are not able to enter sleep mode due to process issues.

Parameters for busy processes report
  • Exported as NWM_Sleeplessnesscausedbyprocessissues.xls

  • Previously known as Busy and sleepless processes and found under the Operational reporting group for Sleepless client


Successful – devices that were successfully shutdown.

Parameters for the successful shutdowns report
  • Exported as NWM_Successfulshutdowns.xls

  • Previously found under the Operational reporting group for Power down performance

Uncompleted – devices that were unsuccessfully shutdown.

Parameters for the uncompleted shutdowns report
  • Exported as NWM_Uncompletedshutdowns.xls

  • Previously known as Uncompleted shutdowns and was found under the Operational reporting group for Power down performance





Maintenance windows

Availability successes – wake-up activity successfully executed out for maintenance windows.

Parameters for the successful maintenance windows report
  • Exported as NWM_Maintenancewindowavailabilitysuccesses.xls

  • Was previously found under the Operational reporting group for Maintenance windows

Diagnostics – wake-up activity that failed to execute for maintenance windows.

Parameters for the maintenance windows diagnostics report
  • Exported as NWM_Maintenancewindowdiagnostics.xls

  • Was previously found under the Operational reporting group for Maintenance windows

Manual wakeups

For clients – wake-up activites for individual computers aimed at Configuration Manager administrators.

Parameters for the manual wake-up for clients report
  • Exported as NWM_Manualwakeupsforclients.xls

  • Previously known as Manual machine WakeUp statistics and was found under the WakeUp and power down reporting group for Manual WakeUps

For collections – wake-up activities for Configuration Manager collections aimed at Configuration Manager administrators.

  • Exported as NWM_Manualwakeupsforcollections.xls

  • Previously known as Manual collection WakeUp statistics and was found under the WakeUp and power down reporting group for Manual WakeUps

WakeUp issues

Top 20 failing clients – the 20 WakeUp clients that are most commonly failing to wake.

Parameters for the top 20 failing wakeup clients report
  • Exported as NWM_Top20failingWakeUpclients.xls

  • Previously known as Top 20 Machines with the highest failures and was found under the WakeUp and power down reporting group for WakeUp failures

By servers – wake-up issues by WakeUp servers

Parameters for wakeup issues by server
  • Exported as NWM_WakeUpissuesbyserver.xls

  • Previously known as Server monthly historical WakeUp failure percentages and was found under the WakeUp and power down reporting group for WakeUp failures

By subnet – wake-up issues by subnets.

Parameters for wakeup issues by subnet
  • Exported as NWM_WakeUpissuesbysubnet.xls

  • Previously known as Subnet monthly historical WakeUp failure percentages and was found under the WakeUp and power down reporting group for WakeUp failures

WakeUp summaries

For a subnet range – wake-up activities for a subnet range.

Parameters for the wakeups for a subnet report
  • Exported as NWM_Wakeupsforasubnetrange.xls

  • Previously known as Summary for a subnet range and was found under the Operational reporting group for WakeUp summaries

Weekly overview – wake-up activity for a week.

  • Exported as NWM_Wakeupsforaweek.xls

  • Previously known as Weekly WakeUp summary and was found under the Operational reporting group for WakeUp summaries

For Nomad deployments – wake-up activity for Nomad, a content distribution system.

Parameters for the wakeup for Nomad deployments
  • Exported as NWM_WakeupsforNomaddeployments.xls

  • Previously known as WakeUp summary for Nomad deployment and was found under the WakeUp and power down reporting group for ActiveEfficiency integration

For ConfigMgr deployments – wake-up activity for ConfigMgr deployments.

  • Exported as NWM_WakeupsforConfigMgrdeployments.xls

For a server (Report title: Wakeups for a server) – activities on the WakeUp server.

Parameters for wakeups per server
  • Exported as NWM_Wakeupsforaserver.xls

  • Previously known as Summary per WakeUp server and was found under the Operational reporting group for WakeUp summaries

Computer Reclaim




Rarely used computers by location

Parameters for the rarely used computers by location report
  • Exported as NWM_Unusedcomputercountsbylocationweekly.xls

Unused and rarely used computer counts by location, weekly – number of unused computers by location and week that could be reclaimed for other uses

Parameters for the weekly used and rarely used computers by location report
  • Exported as NWM_Unusedcomputercountsbylocationweekly.xls

  • Previously known as Weekly hardware utilization by location and was found under the Operational reporting group for Hardware utilization

Unused computer counts by location, yearly – number of unused computers by location and month for a year

Parameters for the annual unused computers by location report
  • Exported as NWM_Unusedcomputercountsbylocationyearly.xls

  • Previously known as Yearly hardware utilization by location and was found under the Operational reporting group for Hardware utilization

Unused computers by location – specific unused computers

Parameters for the unused computers by location report
  • Exported as NWM_Unusedcomputersbylocation.xls

  • Was previously found under the Operational reporting group for Hardware utilization

Power Optimization




Summary – battery usage, modern devices that should be capable of smartphone-like behavior, and an overview of issues

Parameters for the power optimization summary report
  • Exported as NWM_PowerOptimzationsummary.xls


Batteries – details about computers that have batteries that are not performing well

Parameters for the power optimisation battery issues report
  • Exported as NWM_PowerOptimizationbatteryissues.xls

  • Previously known as Battery Details and and was found under the Power Optimization reporting group for Power Optimization Issues

Connected standby – details about computers that cannot receive instant messages, Skype calls, etc. while sleeping though they should be able to

Parameters for the connected standby issues report
  • Exported as NWM_PowerOptimizationConnectedStandbyissues.xls

  • Was previously found under the Power Optimization reporting group for Power Optimization Issues

Lowest power state – details about computers that do not go into a very low standby and thus have maximum battery life though they should

Parameters for the power optimization lowest power state report
  • Exported as NWM_PowerOptimizationlowestpowerstateissues.xls

  • Previously known as Lowest Power State and was found under the Power Optimization reporting group for Power Optimization Issues

Reboot Optimisation




Summary – summary for pending reboots that are preventing security patches from being effective, slow reboots, and unexpected reboots

Parameters for the reboot optimization summary report
  • Exported as NWM_RebootOptimizationsummary.xls

  • Previously known as Reboot Summary





Batch processing performance – list of NightWatchman batch processing details so that you can ensure there are no batch problems

Parameters for the batch processing performance report
  • Exported as NWM_NightWatchmanbatchprocessperformance.xls

  • Was previously found under the Operational reporting group for Batch performance

Client versions – list of NightWatchman client versions so that you can ensure all clients are at the correct version

Parameters for the client versions report
  • Exported e NWM_NightWatchmanclientversions.xls

  • Was previously found under the Operational reporting group for Inventory