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NightWatchman Enterprise 7.3

Resolving issues with Web WakeUp and the WakeUp Agent

If you encounter issues with Web WakeUp and the WakeUp Agent, we recommend you:

  1. Check the WakeUp prerequisites

    • ensure you are able to locate the WakeIp server for that client.

    • verify the Nightwatchman Management Center Console Service account has WMI and DCOM rights on the Wakeup server

    • verify hardware inventory for the client is available in the SCCM database

    • verify the Wakeup Service has access to the SMS provider

    • DNS issue

  2. Ensure ports are not blocked.

  3. For Wake-On-Lan to work you'll need

    • Network card – a network card which can support Wake-On-LAN. Your network card vendor can tell you if your network adapter supports Wake-On-LAN. If it does, it must be configured to enable remote wake up. Some adapter drivers are disabled by default within the operating system.

    • System BIOS – Wake-On-LAN must be enabled in the system BIOS. This option can usually be found in the Boot menu of the BIOS configuration program. Some BIOS have a Maximum Power Savings or Low Power S5 option, which must be disabled in order to allow some power to the network card.

    • Power management – APM or ACPI should be enabled, otherwise the user of the machine should ensure that it is powered off by hitting the off button after shutdown.

  4. BIOS is not configured for Wake on LAN.

  5. OS NIC Driver is not configured for Wake on LAN

  6. The problem was we needed to block sleep mode in the BIOS as the Network card was switching off on the clients.

  7. NIC Driver requires additional settings or an update to get it to work with Wake on LAN

  8. NIC was not left in a state in which it could respond to a magic packet.

One of the most common issues with Web WakeUp is when you are unable to check the status of the client in Web WakeUp. If a computer does not respond a Web wake-up, its status is set to unknown.

user_guide_web_wakeup_device_timed_out.png UKNOWN: The Nightwatchman Management Center Console service was unable to determine the status of system.

This is likely to be caused by several things:

  • The Wakeup Server service is not running on the Wakeup server. Checked if the wakeup service is running.

  • The Wakeup Server failed to find the system in Configuration Manager when running in CMStrategy. Check if the machine is present in ConfigMgr. If that adapter is assigned to a server other than the one with the corresponding Configuration Manager site boundary, status will not be returned.

  • The Wakeup Server failed to receive job status back from the Primary Agent before the end of the Web Wakeup Job. It can be because of the result delay so you can increase the time in ‘Wakeup Result Delay’ setting in wakeup console.

  • If you have upgraded NightWatchman then delete the Machinelist.dat and restart the Wakeup service.

  • Install the 1E Web Wakeup ActiveX component on affected systems.

  • If there is a time difference then it can cause an issue. So correct the time difference