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NightWatchman Enterprise 7.3

The Communications screen

The Communications screen

The Communications parameters are:



Agent TCP Port:

The 1E Agent listening port (default is 1776). Used for WakeUp Server to talk to 1E Agent services. This must be the same for WakeUp Server and all its 1E Agents.


If TCP is not supported in your environment, contact 1E Support for further information.

Server TCP Port:

WakeUp Server listening port (default is 1777). Used to communicate with the WakeUp Server. This must be different to Agent TCP Port and must be the same for the WakeUp Server and all its 1E Agents.

Maximum Connections:

The maximum number of connections that WakeUp Server opens at any given time (default is 16). Only relevant if TCP/IP Agent communication is used. This defaults to 16 connections.


There is an in-built maximum limit of 64.

Maximum Burst Size:

Sets the maximum numbers of wake up requests forwarded to a 1E Agent in a single burst (default is 100).

Burst Delay:

Sets the number of seconds between each batch of wake up requests being transmitted to a 1E Agent (default is 5 seconds).

Enable Agent Reporting:

Enables or disables 1E Agent reporting Advertisement status (on by default).


If 1E Agent reporting is disabled, WakeUp reports are unavailable.

Enable FIPS Compliance Encryption

Enables or disables the use of FIPS for NightWatchman Management Center communications. Enabling this sets the NightWatchman Management Center to use FIPS encrypted communications.


When setting this option, ensure that the same setting is made for all NightWatchman Management Center, WakeUp Server and 1E Agent components.

Encryption Level:

Controls the level of encryption used for communications between WakeUp Server and 1E Agents during operations. Encryption prevents packet sniffers from examining the contents of the WakeUp packet and discovering information about your network. Options are:

  • Disabled – all packets sent are unencrypted.


    When disabled, ensure that all 1E Agents are set not use encryption.

  • Partial – enables either encrypted or unencrypted communication to be accepted. Used as an interim mode when upgrading 1E Agents to use encrypted communications while they are rolled out across the network.

  • Full – the most secure option. It specifies that all communications are encrypted and any unencrypted packages found are discarded


    When enabled, ensure that all 1E Agents are set to use encryption. Enabled is the default setting on the Server, but disabled is the default setting on the Agent.