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NightWatchman Enterprise 7.3

Enterprise View

Enterprise View is a web-based business intelligence dashboard that provides overviews of energy consumption and computer-related information from your network. You can customise the dashboard by choosing which tiles to display from a pre-defined list. It uses information already held in the reporting database to populate the tiles.

Accessing Enterprise View

To access Enterprise View, navigate to: http://<servername>/enterpriseview/ where <servername> is the name of the server where the Enterprise View software is installed.

Enterprise View requires Microsoft Silverlight – if it is not already installed, you will be prompted to do so.

Silverlight placeholder

(If you see a placeholder instead of the Silverlight logo then you do not have access to the internet and you will need to download the Silverlight installer from another computer. All versions of Silverlight from version 3.0 are supported by Enterprise View).

To continue from this point:

  1. Click Install Microsoft Silverlight.

    Install Microsoft Silverlight
  2. Click Run.

  3. When all the files are extracted (a dialog displays its progress), the installer starts. When the installer starts running, a dialog displays its progress.

  4. When all the files are extracted, the installer starts.

    Install Microsoft Silverlight
  5. Click the Install now button.

  6. When installation has completed successfully, the success success displays. You may need to refresh the browser before the Enterprise View home page is displayed.

Enterprise View home page

Once Silverlight is installed, navigating to the Enterprise View URL displays the home page. The first time the user navigates to the home page, getting started information is displayed.

The Enterprise View home page

To add tiles to the dashboard:

  1. Click the Tools button at the top-right of the page to display the tile configuration page. The list of tiles are the defaults provided with NightWatchman Management Center. You can select up to eight tiles to display on the dashboard.

    Enterprise View
  2. Click the checkbox to the left of the tile's icon.

  3. When you have selected your tiles (8 maximum) click Accept to populate the dashboard.

    Adding tiles to the Enterprise View dashboard
  4. Once the tiles are on the home page, you can re-arrange them by dragging their title bars, expand them to view the details of a particular tile or close it.

    Re-arranging tiles in the Enterprise View dashboard
Setting up the dashboard tiles

After you install the Enterprise View website, add the dashboard tiles and and configure their datasources. Tile definitions are provided when installing supported 1E applications and must be copied to the correct location in the Enterprise View website and manually configured before are available to users. When you install one of the supported applications, either NightWatchman Management Center or NightWatchman Server Edition, a folder is created in the product's installation directory which contains the XML definitions for the tiles associated with that product. The folder is relative to the product's installation directory: %installdir%\EnterpriseView

Copy the file definitions to the Enterprise View installation directory as follows:

  • On 32-bit platforms – C:\Program Files\1E\Enterprise View\Dashboard.Web\Source

  • On 64-bit platforms – C:\Program Files (x86)\1E\Enterprise View\Dashboard.Web\Source

Each of the tiles requires a connection to a data source (which can be from an SQL database or a localized XML file) in order to display information. The data sources are defined in an XML file and is located at: %installdir%\1E\Enterprise View\Dashboard.Web\Source\DataSources.xml

  • To configure an SQL data source for NightWatchman, add a definition DataSources element. For example:

    <DataSource Name="NightWatchman">
        <ConnectionProperties DataProvider="SQL">
                <![CDATA[ Server=<ServerName>;Database=AgilityFrameworkReporting;Trusted_Connection=True;pooling=false ]]> 

    where <ServerName> is the server where the NightWatchman Management Center database is installed.

  • To configure an SQL data source for NightWatchman Server edition, add a definition to the DataSources element. For example:

    <DataSource Name="NightWatchmanServer">
        <ConnectionProperties DataProvider="SQL">
                <![CDATA[ Server=<ServerName>;Database=NightWatchmanServerEdition;Trusted_Connection=True;pooling=false ]]> 

    where <ServerName> is the server where the NightWatchman Server Edition database is installed.

  • To configure an XML data source, add the following XML snippet to the DataSources element:

    <DataSource Name="LOCAL">
        <ConnectionProperties DataProvider="XML">

A tile may be duplicated provided its title is different. The default tiles are:





Savings to date

Displays total savings since NightWatchman was installed and based on all machines consuming electricity (state = ON) for 24 hours. Savings are displayed in terms of currency, C02 emissions, trees and gallons of Oil


Uses spNWM_Dashboard_SavingsToDate.

  1. To display values that match the NightWatchman savings web reports, edit the @powerBehavior variable in the XML to match the name of a power behaviour and also the description.

  2. To report on specific parts of the client location and/or Organization tier structures, edit the @locationTierId and/or @organizationTierId variables. Query the tbAFT_DimensionTier table for the TierID.

  3. To change the start date for the tile, for example to the date when power policies were first applied, modify the InstalledDate value in tbNWM_Dimension_GlobalSettings table. Set the date to the first of the month.

Daily power cost

Displays a chart of the actual cost per day as reported by NightWatchman for the last 10 days.


Uses spNWM_Dashboard_DailyPowerCost.

  1. To display values that match the NightWatchman savings web reports, edit the @powerBehavior variable in the XML to match the name of a power behavior.

  2. To change the number of days, edit the @begindate variable in the XML and also the description.

Monthly Savings

Shows savings for all of the PCs in all departments and all buildings for the last six months.


This tile uses spNWM_Dashboard_MonthlySavings. To display values that match the NightWatchman Savings web reports, edit the @powerBehavior variable in the XML to match the name of a power behavior created using the NightWatchman Savings reports. To change the number of months, edit the @begindate variable in the XML, and also the description. To report on specific parts of the Client Location and/or Organization tier structures, you can create @locationTierId and/or @organizationTierId variables and pass these to the stored procedure in the same way as the 'Savings to date' tile.

Top energy consuming departments

Displays the top 10 departments in descending order of energy cost per capita. Provides a way of monitoring which departments cost the most in terms of PC energy usage and are candidates for more stringent energy management.


This tile uses spNWM_Dashboard_MonthlyEnergyCostPerCapita. To report on a specific part of the Client Organization tier structure, you can edit @locationTierId and/or @tierId variable. The number of departments reported is hard-coded in the stored procedure.

Top 10 buildings by cost

Displays a list of the top 10 buildings where the cost of electricity usage is the highest. Reporting data from NightWatchman and current applied location-based tariffs are used to calculate power consumption and cost figures.


This tile uses spNWM_Dashboard_TopTenBuildingsByCost. To report on a specific part of the Client Location tier structure, you can edit @locationTierId and/or @tierId variable. The number of buildings reported is hard-coded in the stored procedure.

Installed operating systems

Displays a pie chart of the operating systems reported by the NightWatchman agent.


This tile uses spNWM_Dashboard_OperatingSystems. There are no configuration options.

Percentage of PCs left on after hours

This tile shows the percentage of monitored PCs that are left on after configured hours over weekdays and weekends. The chart assumes that computers are on overnight if they are on at any time before 9AM or after 5PM on weekdays or at any time over the weekend.


This tile uses spNWM_Dashboard_PercentagePcOnAfterHours. The number of variables may be edited as described in the XML. If modified then you should also update the tile description.

Energy star compliance

Shows a percentage of machines that have a compliant active power scheme in effect as reported by NightWatchman client. You should aim to be 100% compliant and NightWatchman power policies should be set to achieve this.


This tile uses spNWM_Dashboard_PowerSchemeCompliance. The XML contains power scheme values used for Energy Star Compliance. You can edit the values to match your preferred compliance values, but if you do so you should change the tile's title.

Greenest hardware types

Displays a maximum of 3 desktop and 3 laptop hardware types that consume the least amount of energy in their relevant categories. This is only taken from hardware that has reported to NightWatchman in the last 90 days.


This tile uses spNWM_Dashboard_GreenestHardwareTypes. To report a different number of hardware types edit the @topDeskTop and @topLapTop variables and modify the tile description. The stored procedure is hard-coded to 90 days and a maximum of 5 types each.

Most Consuming Hardware Types

Displays a maximum of 10 hardware types made up of any combination of desktops and laptops that consume the most amount of energy. This is only for hardware that have reported in the last 90 days.


This tile uses spNWM_Dashboard_WorstHardwareTypes. To report a different number of hardware types edit the @topDeskTop and @topLapTop variables and modify the tile description. The stored procedure is hard-coded to 90 days and a maximum of 5 types each.

NightWatchman Management Center stored procedure permissions

If the NightWatchman Management Center database is installed on a different server to the computer where the Enterprise View web application is running, modify the permissions of the respective stored procedures in the NightWatchman Management Center database.

To do this:

  1. Modify the SetSchemaObjectPermissions.sql file.

    • On 32-bit platforms – C:\Program Files\1E\NightWatchman Management Center\EnterpriseView

    • On 64-bit platforms – C:\Program Files (x86)\1E\NightWatchman Management Center\EnterpriseView

  2. Set the string %aspuser% to <DOMAIN> <DASHBOARDSERVER>$ where <DOMAIN> is the name of the domain of the computer hosting the Enterprise View web application and <DASHBOARDSERVER> is the name of the server running the Enterprise View web application.

  3. Execute the file against the NightWatchman Management Center database.