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General Issues

Troubleshooting common issues that you may be having with 1E Virtual Assistant.

The chatbot is not able to fire an instruction

It is possible that the instruction sync has not yet been done. Press the retrieve instruction button on the 1E Virtual Assistant App configuration page.

Server connection test fails

If you see the following message when testing the server connection:

Server connection test failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details.

This may be due to one or more of the following:

  1. The Tachyon username and password are not set correctly. Re-check and re-enter the credentials and test again.

  2. If Tachyon is not in the cloud and has been implemented on-premises, check that your ServiceNow mid-server has been set up and is working correctly.

Instruction retrieval fails

If you get the following message when attempting to retrieve instructions:

Instruction retrieval failed. Please validate your credentials and 1E Core app server configuration details.

This may be due to one of the following:

  1. The Tachyon username and password are not set correctly. Re-check and re-enter the credentials and test the server connection again.

  2. If Tachyon is not in the cloud and has been implemented on-premises, check that your ServiceNow mid-server has been set up and is working correctly.

  3. Ensure that the 1E Virtual Assistant instructions have been uploaded into Tachyon.

  4. Ensure that the 1E Virtual Assistant instructions are covered in your Tachyon license.

  5. Check that the Tachyon account has questioner permissions for the 1E Virtual Assistant instructions.

The users device details are not picked up by the chatbot

This may be due to one or more of the following:

  1. The 1E Client service is not running on the device. If this is the case, try restarting the 1E Client.

  2. Check the Shopping settings in the Shopping admin console to see if the ServiceNow URL is set in the Alternative Urls in the WSA section.

  3. Check if the 1E Populate logged in device widget has been added on ServicePortal home page. If not, add the missing widget - please refer to 1E Virtual Assistant post-installation tasks: Add widgets to the ServiceNow Service Portal.

  4. When the 1E Client and Shopping cannot been implemented, check whether the user has a device assigned to them in the ServiceNow CMDB. If not, assign one.

Users cannot see the chatbot icon on the ServicePortal home page

Check if the Virtual Agent Service Portal widget has been added to the page. If not add the missing widget, please refer to 1E Virtual Assistant post-installation tasks: Add widgets to the ServiceNow Service Portal.

Problems using the Upgrade Operating System topic

If you see the following message when attempting to run the Upgrade Operating System topic:

Unable to launch the wizard. It is already running on this computer for another request.

You will need to close any currently running instances of the WSA wizard on the device before retrying the topic.