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1E 23.11 (SaaS)


Entity - Data Export - Exports information from the system

Note for API version 8.0

As of API version 8.0, the visibility of the instruction responses is restricted in accordance to the Management Groups assigned to the users. See the note at the top of the Responses page for an explanation of how this works. The same principle applies to the DataExport APIs that export responses, where it is not possible to export any responses that cannot be accessed from the Responses API.




Permissions required



This endpoint can be used to convert any data formatted as a JSON array into a CSV. This endpoint provides a service and does NOT expose any internal data of the Tachyon system

  • Post using x-www-form-urlencoded form with following fields:

  • FileName: Name of the CSV file you wish to receive back

  • Data: JSON array containing the data you wish to convert into CSV

Usable by users that have any permissions on any of the product packs.

  • Viewer

  • Questioner

  • Actioner

  • Approver

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.



Exports responses for a specified question.

Send JSON as body of the message with following fields:

  • InstructionId - id of the instruction for which you wish to export responses

  • ExportPath - path where the results file is to be placed

Any permission on the instruction whose responses are to be exported.



Minimum API version 3.2

Exports other responses for a specified question.

Send JSON as body of the message with following fields:

  • InstructionId - id of the instruction for which you wish to export responses

  • ExportPath - path where the results file is to be placed

Any permission on the instruction whose responses are to be exported.




This endpoint can be used to retrieve objects of specific type from the Tachyon system.

Supported object type values at the time of writing are: "devices", "instructiondefinitions", "questiondefinitions", "actiondefinitions" and "instructions"

Only "Global Administrators" role.

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions.


/Consumer/DataExport /Responses/{instructionId:int}/aggregate/{flag:bool}


This endpoint can be used to retrieve successful responses to a specific instruction.

  • instructionId - id of the instruction

  • flag - "true" if you want aggregated responses. "false" if you don't.

NOTE - True will only work for questions that you can aggregate on the way out (so the ones with "Keep results") and only those will return a value here. Others will simply return an empty file.

Usable by users who have view permission to given instruction (same as Instructions endpoints)

  • Viewer

  • Questioner

  • Actioner

  • Approver

Instruction's owner can also view responses.

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions at global level or on the parent InstructionDefinition's product pack or is not the owner.


/Consumer/DataExport /ResponsErrors/{instructionId:int}/aggregate/{flag:bool}


This endpoint can be used to errors (or other results) to a specific instruction.

  • instructionId - id of the instruction

  • flag - "true" if you want aggregated responses. "false" if you don't.

Usable by users who have view permission to given instruction (same as Instructions endpoints)

  • Viewer

  • Questioner

  • Actioner

  • Approver

Instruction's owner can also view responses.

Returns Unauthorized (401) if user does not have the required permissions at global level or on the parent InstructionDefinition's product pack or is not the owner.