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1E 23.11 (SaaS)

Install 1E Client

Installs the 1E Client. The Stage 1E Client Package step must be to be included before this step in the Task Sequence. The 1E Client installer and any Transform or Patch that should be applied during installation must be included in the 1E Client Package referenced in the Stage 1E Client Package step.


You must include a Restart Computer step after the Install 1E Client step. This is because the client installation adds the Nomad binaries folder to the system path, but because the Task Sequence (running as system) is already running it must be restarted to pick up the system path change. Subsequent steps in the Task Sequence that use Nomad will fail if this reboot is not included.

This custom action is available in the 1E Nomad task sequence actions.



When run, this task:

  • Reads the NomadinstallPath task sequence variable (Set by the Stage 1E Client Package action) for the location of the installer and installs the 1E Client

  • If an .mst file is found in the root of the package, it adds the transform automatically with the installation. If multiple .mst files are present in the root of the package, the TRANSFORMS installer property referencing the .mst file must be added in the command-line otherwise this step fails

  • If an .msp file (patch) is found in the root of the package, it will be applied during installation of the 1E Client.

This task sequence action:

  • Waits for the 1E Nomad Branch service to start. It checks every 15 seconds until a configurable timeout expires (default 10 mins). Once the Nomad service is found running, the step completes successfully. If the timeout is reached without the Nomad service running, the step fails. There are two TS variables to manage this behavior:

    • EnableNomadStartUpChecks - Default is true. If set to false then the step does not wait for the Nomad service to come up after 1E Client installation. This should only be set to false when the Install 1E Client action is not enable the Nomad client module.

    • NomadStartUpChecksTimeout - Default is 10. Defines the number of minutes the step will wait for the Nomad service to start. If you notice the Nomad service taking longer than 10 minutes to be fully up and running in your environment, you can increase this value. The accepted ranges of this variable, is 10 to 60. If the specified value is not in range, it's set to a default 10 minutes.


From Nomad 7.0.200, the Install 1E Client action supports installing a 1E Client patch.

To do this:

  • Include the patch in the 1E Client package referenced in the Stage 1E Client Package Step

  • Ensure there's only one MSP file, the latest cumulative 1E Client hotfix, included in the package source

  • If there's an MSP present in the package when the Install 1E Client setup runs, it will be installed.

To implement these changes, you must include the hotfix MSP in the 1E Client package referenced in the Stage 1E Client Package step in your Task Sequences.

Configurable parameters


Default value



Install 1E Client

Name for the custom task sequence step.


Action to install 1E Client in the new OS.

Description of the custom task sequence step.

Additional installation commands

Additional installation parameters.