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1E 23.11 (SaaS)


Defines the number of election responses Nomad will write to the log for a given election.

Registry value

Default value


Installer Property


By default this REG_DWORD value is not present and all election responses are logged.

Add this REG_DWORD value and set it to the number of responses that Nomad should log for any given election.

Setting the value to 0 effectively turns off logging of any election responses.



The value of MaxElectionResponseLogging specifies the number of election replies to be logged per election request. As an example, if MaxElectionResponseLogging = 5 and there are two election requests for the same package at different times, a maximum of 5 election responses will be logged for each elections (up to 10 election replies in total). If there are two concurrent election requests for the same package, the number of maximum election replies logged may vary from 5 to 10. In general, if MaxElectionResponseLogging = n and if there are m concurrent election requests for the same package, the number of maximum election replies logged may vary from n to m*n.