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1E 23.11 (SaaS)

Log files

Names and locations of log files created by 1E Server, 1E Client, and 1E tools.

1E Client logs
1E Client logs on Windows

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1E\Client\1E.Client.log (used by 1E Client and Tachyon features, and Shopping client)


1E Client logs on macOS

/Library/Logs/1E.Client.Daemon.log (shows any service start errors)

/Library/Logs/1E.Client.log (shows the current operation of the 1E Client)

1E Client logs on other non-Windows platforms


Nomad client log


PXE Everywhere Agent log


Shopping WSA client log


WakeUp client log



By default, Windows resolves %ALLUSERSPROFILE% as C:\ProgramData\

Configuration Manager Console Extensions log



The Instruction Management Studio (TIMS) log


1E product pack deployment tool log


In the same location as the tool.