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1E 23.11 (SaaS)


Provides support for Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD).

Nomad always uses System level proxy if it has been set, irrespective of what SupportWPAD has been set to.

SupportWPAD was introduced in v7.1 and when disabled it does not change the default behavior, which is: If system level proxy is set then use it, otherwise access directly without proxy.

When SupportWPAD is enabled in Nomad, the behavior is:

  • If system level proxy is set then use it and do not try WPAD

  • If system level proxy is not set then fetch automatic proxy using WPAD and use it

  • If system level proxy is not set and failed to get automatic proxy using WPAD then try access directly without proxy.

How to know if a system level proxy has been set

netsh winhttp show proxy

Registry value

Default value


Installer property



By default, the WPAD feature is disabled. To enable WPAD in Nomad, add registry key 'SupportWPAD' and set it to 1 at registry path HKLM/Software/1E/NomadBranch

To enable or disable the WPAD feature in Nomad:

  • Disable WPAD set SupportWPAD = 0

  • Enable WPAD set SupportWPAD= 1 (or non-zero value).