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1E 23.11 (SaaS)


A general methodology for investigating issues as well as identifying key issues and their resolutions.

Log files

1E needs details of the recorded time when the issue took place. To ensure logs contain relevant details, please try to rerun the steps to replicate the issue. The table below details the log files we require:

The default location for all Nomad logs is the folder %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1E

For issues relating to

Required log files

Location of log files

1E Client

  • 1E.Client.log

  • NomadBranchUninstall-YYY-MM-DDThh_mm_ss_000Z.log

Default location:


Nomad client

  • NomadBranch.log

Default location:


Optional location if installed using 1E Client Deployment Assistant (CDA):


OS deployment

  • NomadPackageLocator.log

  • NBCacheActions.log

  • All Configuration Manager logs including SMSTS.log

The path changes at the different stages of an OS deployment.

Nomad and ContentDistribution integration

  • ContentDistribution.log


Delivery Optimization monitoring and reporting

  • NomadBranch.DO.log

Default location: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1E\NomadBranch\

NomadBranch.DO.log is created when Delivery Optimization monitoring and reporting are enabled using the DeliveryOptimizationReportingEnabled registry value.