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1E 23.11 (SaaS)


Links to other 1E product documentation to verify or troubleshoot their features that are dependent on the 1E Client.

General verification of the 1E Client
  1. Confirm the 1E Client service is running.

  2. Ensure you know which client features are enabled - review the <INSTALLDIR>\1E\Client\1E.Client.conf file.

  3. Review the log files for errors.

1E Client logs on Windows

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1E\Client\1E.Client.log (used by 1E Client and Tachyon features, and Shopping client)


1E Client logs on macOS

/Library/Logs/1E.Client.Daemon.log (shows any service start errors)

/Library/Logs/1E.Client.log (shows the current operation of the 1E Client)

1E Client logs on other non-Windows platforms


Nomad client log


PXE Everywhere Agent log


Shopping WSA client log


WakeUp client log



By default, Windows resolves %ALLUSERSPROFILE% as C:\ProgramData\

Verify 1E Client installation

To run the following tests you need:

  1. 1E Server installed and TCNI verification tests passed, refer to Verify 1E Server installation for details.Verify 1E Server installation

  2. Two user accounts, Test User 1 and 2 , and above TCNU verification tests passed, refer to ??? for details.

  3. At least one test device on which the 1E Client will be installed.

  4. 1E Client installation source files and configuration details required by your 1E implementation.



Expected Response


  • Install the 1E Client on the test device using the configuration settings required for your implementation

    • DNS Alias of 1E Server

    • Port used by the 1E Switch

    • Port used by the 1E Background Channel.

  • Include optional MSP update

  • Confirm Programs and Features.

1E Client installed.

Programs and Features display 1E Client.

  • Correct platform x86 or x64

  • Correct version number.

If an MSP update has been installed, the Installed Updates displays 1E Client Update (Qnnnnn).

The first clients can be installed manually or using a script.

You should repeat this set of tests when you have deployed a few clients using your organization's preferred deployment method.

You may need to edit the 1E Client configuration file after installation, to suit the requirements of your implementation, and restart the 1E Client service.

  • Confirm Windows services are running

The following Windows services exist and are running.

  • 1E Client

  • 1E Nomad Branch - only if Module.Nomad.Enabled=true

If the 1E Client service is not running, then check the Client log.

  • Check the 1E Client log.

No errors.

To view LOG file locations for each OS platform, click to expand...

1E Client logs on Windows

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1E\Client\1E.Client.log (used by 1E Client and Tachyon features, and Shopping client)


1E Client logs on macOS

/Library/Logs/1E.Client.Daemon.log (shows any service start errors)

/Library/Logs/1E.Client.log (shows the current operation of the 1E Client)

1E Client logs on other non-Windows platforms


Check the Switch setting in the Client configuration file is using the correct DNS Alias for the 1E Server, and the correct port for the Switch.

If errors in the Client log relate to certificates, then see Client issues.

  • Start a supported browser on a workstation, refer to Supported Platforms for details.

  • Connect to the 1E portal as Test User 1

  • Open the Endpoint Troubleshooting application and go to the Devices→Table page

  • For each Test Device that has had the 1E Client installed, confirm the device is listed in the Table page.

  • Click on each device and view the device properties.

Each Test Device is listed on the Tachyon Devices Table page.

The device details show information about the device's system, activity, certificate, and configuration settings.

If you cannot use the Test User 1 or 2 accounts, then use another 1E user account. All 1E users are able to view the Devices Table page.

Check the configuration of the client and review the 1E client settings in the 1E Client configuration file.1E client settings

To view CONF file locations for each platform, click to expand...

The 1E Client is controlled via the 1E Client configuration file 1E.Client.conf which resides in the installation folder along with the 1E Client executable.

The default installation location used for the different OS supported by the 1E Client are given in the following table:


Default install location



Linux and Solaris



'/Library/Application Support/1E/Client'


The configuration file uses ASCII encoding.

A comment line starts with the # symbol.

Verify 1E client-platform communications (stage 1 and 2 instructions)

To run the following tests you need:

To run the following tests you need to logon to a workstation with a user account that is assigned to at least one of the 1E administration roles. 1E Tachyon Platform Product Pack describes the purpose of each of its verification instructions.1E Tachyon Platform Product Pack



Expected Response



See TCNA01 above.

Each Test Device is listed on the Endpoint Troubleshooting Devices page.

  • Connect to the 1E portal as Test User 1

  • Open the Endpoint Troubleshooting application and go to the Home page

  • Type verification

  • Select Tachyon Platform verification stage 1

  • Click Ask this question

When the Tachyon Platform verification stage 1 question is asked, the view changes to the Instruction History Responses page.

The Instruction History Responses page lists the software products installed on each Test Device.

Contents are shown for online Devices that have the 1E Client installed and running.

If you view other Endpoint Troubleshooting pages and want to get back to the Instruction History Responses page, then you should select Instruction History from the navigation menu on the left side, and you should see a list of the instructions that have been run. You may then click on the name of the instruction to view its responses.

The Client log indicates:

  • Running instruction

  • Successfully processed instruction.

You may need to refresh the Instruction History Responses page.

Verification stage 1 tests communication between the 1E Client and Switch. Any issues will appear in the Client log.

Check each test device has the 1E Client running and is online.

  • Connect to the 1E portal as Test User 1

  • Open the Endpoint Troubleshooting application and go to the Instructions→History page

  • Click on the Tachyon Platform verification stage 1 instruction to view the response details

  • Click on the Actions tab

  • Type verification

  • Select Tachyon Platform verification stage 2 (all platforms)

  • Click Perform this action

  • Enter the password for the Test User 1 account

  • If 2FA is enabled, enter the authentication code

If Two-Factor authentication (2FA) is enabled, then Endpoint Troubleshooting will prompt for an authentication code, and Test User 1 should receive an authentication code by email.

Endpoint Troubleshooting view changes to Instruction pending approval.

Test User 2 should receive an email asking for approval.

This stage of the Verification tests communication between the 1E Server and the SMTP relay/gateway.

If 2FA is enabled and Test User 1 does not receive an email with the authentication code, then:

  • Check the Coordinator log and confirm it is using the correct configuration for the SMTP server.

If Test User 2 does not receive an email, then:

  • Check the user is assigned to the 1E Tachyon Platform role

  • The 1E Tachyon Platform role has access rights which include Approver

  • Check the Coordinator log and confirm it is using the correct configuration for the SMTP server.

  • Either connect to the 1E portal as Test User 2 and click on the notification icon

  • Or click on the link in an email received in the previous step and wait for a browser to connect you to the 1E portal

  • View the Request for action approval for the Tachyon Platform verification stage 2 (all platforms) action

  • Tick the box I understand approving my request impacts my IT environment

  • Click Approve.

When clicking on the link in the request for approval email, a browser should open automatically and take you to the Notifications page.

You can view notifications and approval requests at any time by clicking on the notification icon. The icon will show the number of actions pending approval by the logged-on user.

When the request is approved by Test User 2:

  • The Endpoint Troubleshooting view changes to Approval has been processed successfully

  • Test User 1 should receive an email saying the action has been approved.

If Test User 2 is unable to approve the request, then:

  • Check the user is assigned to the 1E Tachyon Platform role

  • The 1E Tachyon Platform role has access rights which include Approver.

  • Connect to the 1E portal as either Test User 1 or 2

  • Open the Endpoint Troubleshooting application and go to the Instructions→History page

  • Click on the Tachyon Platform verification stage 2 instruction to view the response details.

Response details show a list of devices and their Client configuration details. You may need to refresh the Details page.

This stage of the Verification tests the Client's connection to the Background Channel. Successful execution of the action will cause the following to appear in the Client log:

  • Duplicate log entries showing a repeat run of the previous question

  • A series of log entries showing a connection to the Background Channel, then a script is downloaded and run:

    • Windows - getConfig.ps1 PowerShell file

    • Linux and MacOS - bash and perl files.

  • Successfully processed instruction.

You may have to wait up to 5 minutes for the action to complete on each device. This is because the default 1E Client setting for DefaultStaggerRangeSeconds=300.

Repeat test TCNI05 using a browser on the test device to confirm the Background Channel has been configured correctly, refer to Verify IIS security of the 1E website.Verify IIS security of the 1E website

A common error is an incorrect value for the BackgroundChannelUrl setting in an 1E Client configuration file. If you deployed the 1E Client using a software deployment tool like Microsoft's ConfigMgr then look to see if similar devices have the same issue. Check the 1E Client configuration file on problem devices to see if the setting has the correct URL for the Background Channel.

Check to see if the Background Channel has the scripts used by the Stage 2 instruction. Review the contents of C:\ProgramData\1E\Tachyon\Content folder on the server hosting your Background Channel. The Content folder should contain a folder named 1E Tachyon Platform-VerificationStage2 which contains a sub-folders with a PowerShell file, and another subfolder containing a bash and a perl files.