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1E 23.11 (SaaS)

Nomad app

The Nomad app provides visibility of content distribution activity and cache status for content distributed by both Nomad and Delivery Optimization. This includes Configuration Manager content distributed with Nomad and Software Updates content distributed with either Nomad or Delivery Optimization.

The Nomad app Overview page gives a high-level view of the current status of content throughout the entire network. By default, the view will show activity and status for both Nomad and Delivery Optimization. These defaults can be modified using the Technology filter (to show Nomad or DO activity only) and the Time period filter. You can use the Nomad app, powered by the Tachyon Platform, to get a visual snapshot of download activity in your environment.

The Nomad app provides visibility of content distribution activity and cache status for content distributed by both Nomad and Delivery Optimization and consists of the pages listed in this table:

Nomad page


Overview page

Provides a visual snapshot of download activity.

Content page

Lists unique contents synced from MEMCM, including applications, packages and software updates.

Task Sequences page

Lists configured task sequences.

Devices page

Lists every device registered to Nomad.

Nomad Sites page

Primarily designed to show how the network is being used for content distribution in different locations.

Client Health page

Primarily designed to show related data from Using 1E Endpoint Automation.

The first version includes Configuration Manager content distributed with Nomad and Software Updates content distributed with either Nomad or Delivery Optimization. Future releases will include Intune and Microsoft Store content distributed with Delivery Optimization as well as other content, such as VMWare Workspace One and 1E Tachyon content distributed with Nomad.

The Nomad app will be available after you install the Tachyon Platform and can be accessed using the Tachyon DNS Alias FQDN. For example:


Although not a requirement for generally using Nomad, Tachyon Platform must be installed and available before you can use certain Nomad features.

The following Nomad features use Content Distribution and require Tachyon Platform and Tachyon features of 1E Client to be enabled:


Content Distribution versions prior to Content Distribution 7.1 used ActiveEfficiency to support similar features. 1E platform previously included ActiveEfficiency.

The following features were provided in versions of Nomad older than Nomad 7.1:

  • 1E Client Health - now provided by the Guaranteed State feature of the Tachyon Platform

  • Nomad Dashboard - now provided by Nomad app feature of the Tachyon Platform.

These features require the full deployment of the Tachyon Platform infrastructure, including Master and Response Stacks, with an optional DMZ Server for Internet based clients.

Tachyon Platform is installed using Tachyon Setup, which should also be used to install the following components, included in the Tachyon Platform download zip.

  • Nomad app - this consumer application replaces the legacy Nomad Dashboard

  • Content Distribution - this web service is required by the Nomad app, and replaces the legacy ActiveEfficiency Server.

Please refer to:

  • Requirements for prerequisites

  • Introducing 1E for details about the Tachyon Platform and other optional applications and features.Introducing 1E