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1E 23.11 (SaaS)

Resolving common issues

The most common issues are listed below.

Communication issues

Nomad provides two types of encryption. By default, standard encryption uses a 40-bit RC2 algorithm, or you can enable advanced encryption which is compliant with FIPS. The advanced encryption is available for use in high-security environments where restrictions on encrypted algorithm types are enforced. These two methods are incompatible, so you must ensure that all installations of 1E Client are using the same encryption method.

Nomad firewall settings

By default, Nomad uses port 1779 to communicate during the election process for determining the master on a subnet. This port is opened during the 1E Client installation, however further action may be required in environments which use alternative firewalls, other than the native Windows Firewall.


If you change the default port, ensure all Nomad clients are communicating on the same port.

P2P HTTP(S) firewall settings

If you're using HTTP or HTTPS as the protocol for P2P content transfer, then you'll also have to ensure there are firewall exceptions for TCP port(s) specified in settings P2PHttpPort or P2PHttpsPort.


Please note that Nomad service automatically tries to add required firewall exceptions on startup. So if you experience firewall problems, most times it may be enough to simply restart Nomad service, and it'll add the missing exceptions.

File and print sharing

HTTP/S is the recommended protocol for peer sharing as well as download from servers. If this is not suitable then clients can use the default SMB, which requires the Windows File and Printer Sharing Services to be enabled.

If File and Printer Sharing Services is not available then Nomad can be configured to use HTTP or HTTPS.

For more detail about these and other access methods, please refer to Nomad cache.

Package version changes

Nomad has significant built-in logic to ensure that package version updates are handled and recoverable. However in complex environments with many package version changes happening whilst software distributions are in progress, unexpected behavior may occur. To increase software distribution success, ensure the following:

  • Minimize unnecessary package version updates

  • Avoid package version updates when active advertisements are running for that package

  • Wait until all distribution points have been updated prior to advertising

  • If failures occur, update the distribution points and re-advertise.

Cannot enable Nomad for a Configuration Manager client package (in the Configuration Manager Console)

The built-in Configuration Manager client package in Configuration Manager is locked, and therefore does not allow any modifications to be made to the package. In this instance, it is good practice to duplicate the existing client package for use with Nomad (for example, in OSD task sequences).

Verifying the speed or bandwidth utilization of a recent Nomad download

If you have the Nomad Download GUI already installed on the computer, you can use it to monitor the current download job in Nomad.

To review the download speeds of a recent Nomad download, open the NomadBranch.log file and locate the log entries related to the download job, taking specific interest of the blk/s values, as shown in the log extract below:

Remote_http   0100007F 9000 "Content_fe7d375d-c77c-4776-88e7-232b9d2ee65d_Cache\Command_Monitor_x64.msi" blk=85 (blk/s=6) 
Remote_http   0100007F 9000 "Content_fe7d375d-c77c-4776-88e7-232b9d2ee65d_Cache\Command_Monitor_x64.msi" blk=88 (blk/s=3) 
Remote_http   0100007F 9000 "Content_fe7d375d-c77c-4776-88e7-232b9d2ee65d_Cache\Command_Monitor_x64.msi" blk=95 (blk/s=7) 
PkgCacheStatusSet Content_fe7d375d-c77c-4776-88e7-232b9d2ee65d(1) Format:0 12.553%
Remote_http   0100007F 9000 "Content_fe7d375d-c77c-4776-88e7-232b9d2ee65d_Cache\Command_Monitor_x64.msi" blk=99 (blk/s=4) 
Remote_http   0100007F 9000 "Content_fe7d375d-c77c-4776-88e7-232b9d2ee65d_Cache\Command_Monitor_x64.msi" blk=105 (blk/s=6)
Remote_http   0100007F 9000 "Content_fe7d375d-c77c-4776-88e7-232b9d2ee65d_Cache\Command_Monitor_x64.msi" blk=108 (blk/s=3)

The blk/s refers to the number of blocks downloaded per second. The default block size is 131072 bytes (128KB), so blk/s=6 equates to 786,432 bytes per second (or 768 KB/s). The block size can be changed by modifying the registry BlockSize.