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1E 23.11 (SaaS)

Guaranteed State Features

An overview of Guaranteed State features.The Guaranteed State application gives you the ability to ensure device compliance with enterprise IT policies. For more information please refer to the Using Guaranteed State section of this documentation.


1E provide Integrated Product Packs contain some ready-made policies. Please refer to Uploading Integrated Product Packs for more details.

Policies and Rules

The Guaranteed State of a device is enforced by the Tachyon client at the device. One or more policies are deployed to devices according to the management groups the devices belong to. Each policy consists of one or more rules that are either check rules or fix rules.




Allow you to verify that a device has a particular state, such as a registry key having a specific value. You can then view summary and detail reports which show devices that are compliant and not compliant with the check rules.


Allow you to define a desired state for the device and then enforce that state. For example, you could mandate that a registry key exists and contains a specific value. Again, you can report on the application of these fix rules to devices.

For an explanation of management groups, please refer to the Management Groups page page. Management groups allow devices to be flexibly grouped, based on management group rules. This means you can easily administer devices based on, for instance, their Active Directory Organizational Unit, or their operating system version, or any other criteria supported by the management group rules.


For more information on policies and rules please refer to:

The Guaranteed State Overview page

The Overview page lets you view the current state of your enterprise in terms of the devices and policies that have been defined and applied. It consists of a number of charts that let you monitor the state in real-time.


For more information on the Guaranteed State Overview page please refer to:

Guaranteed State Reports

The Guaranteed State application provides three reports that let you view the details for the currently defined Policies, Rules and Devices. The information in these reports is consolidated into the Guaranteed State Overview page charts.


For more information on the Policies, Rules and Devices reports pages please refer to:

Exploring devices

Guaranteed State provides a Devices page where you can view the currently connected devices. On this page you can also select one or more of the devices and click an Explore button that launches the Explorer application. You can then run an instruction using the selected devices as the coverage for the instruction.


For more information on exploring devices please refer to:

Device Criticality

Device criticality is an attribute of a device that defines its importance within an organization. The default definition in 1E has these settings:

  • Undefined (or not set)

  • Non-critical

  • Low

  • Medium

  • High

  • Critical.

At present, criticality settings do not affect the primary operation of Endpoint Automation. However, it is possible to use 1E to set device criticality and to view it within Endpoint Automation.

1E also supports the use of the criticality setting when defining coverage for an instruction. For example, you can target an instruction to be sent only to devices whose criticality is not Critical.


For more information on device criticality please refer to: