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1E 23.11 (SaaS)

Deploying Microsoft ADK files

Steps for deploying Microsoft ADK files when not using 1E Client Deployment Assistant (CDA).

These steps are only required if you have installed PXE Everywhere Agent using the 1E Client installer instead of using 1E Client Deployment Assistant (CDA) which is the recommended method of including the Microsoft ADK files in the deployment of PXE Everywhere Agent.

A script similar to the one provided below was originally used for legacy versions of PXE Everywhere Agent and CDA which did not include the ADK files, and required the ADK files to be deployed as a post-installation task along with the 1E PXE Everywhere boot images.

Obtaining the Microsoft ADK files

In addition to the binaries supplied by 1E, PXE Everywhere Agent requires a number of files that are distributed and licensed with the Microsoft Windows Automated Deployment Kit (ADK).

As these files are licensed by Microsoft, 1E are unable to include them in the installation media. However, you can use the Introducing Client Deployment Assistant to extract the required files from the ADK, create an installer transform and prepare an Application in Configuration Manager that will install the PXE Everywhere Agent with the appropriate settings and the additional Microsoft files.

The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kits (ADK) normally exist on the Configuration Manager CAS or Primary Site server, although they can be downloaded separately from the Microsoft website.

If you are not using CDA, then you must extract the files listed below from the Windows 10 ADK, and then deploy them to PXE Everywhere Agents.

  • boot.sdi


  • bootmgr.exe


  • pxeboot.n12

  • bootmgfw.efi

  • wgl4_boot.ttf

Script to extract the ADK files

The following example script can be used to extract the files from the Windows 10 ADK. It must be run on a standard Configuration Manager primary site server that has the Windows 10 ADK installed.

It extracts the required ADK files and copies them to the specified location.

If the script were saved as ExtractADK.cmd and you have created a folder called C:\ADKFiles to receive the extracted files, the command line syntax would be:

ExtractADK.cmd C:\ADKFiles 


The script assumes that ADK is installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\%WINVER%". For Windows 10, WINVER=10.

If you have ADK installed at in a different location then you will need to modify the script accordingly.

Click Read more... to view ExtractADK.cmd source or download the script Download ExtractADK.cmd...

Deploying the ADK files

The updated ADK files must be deployed to PXE Everywhere Agents, into their TFTPROOT directory, along with the 1E PXE Everywhere boot images.

Deploying 1E PXE Everywhere boot images is described in Preparing and deploying 1E PXE Everywhere boot images.

By default, TFTPROOT is %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1E\PXEEverywhere\TftpRoot

The 1E PXE Everywhere boot images should be found in an \Images folder relative to TFTPROOT.

In addition to the binaries supplied by 1E, PXE Everywhere Agent requires a number of files that are distributed and licensed with the Microsoft Windows Automated Deployment Kit (ADK). The required files are listed in the table opposite, along with the location on the PXE Everywhere Agent that they need to be installed to.


Destination Location (relative to TFTPROOT)












wgl4_boot.ttf (optional)
