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1E 8.1 (on-premises)

Title and filter bars

Information about the title and filter bars that appear at the top of all Patch Success pages.

Patch Success title bar

The title bar shows information about the total number of devices and the patch status. The totals on the title bar are not affected by filters. The following table describes the function of each heading in the title bar.




Inventory repository

A selected inventory repository. Changing the selection in this drop down will update the data on the Patch Success dashboards. Only one inventory repository can be selected at any one time.


The total number of devices in the selected inventory repository. If two numbers are shown, the first number is the total number of devices that reported patch data. A single number is shown if all devices reported patch data.

The image above shows 8 devices have reported patch data.

Fully patched

The number of fully patched devices.


The numbers shown are for the selected inventory repository.

A device is counted only once under under each of these headings.

The sum of these four numbers equals the total number of devices in the selected inventory repository.

The totals shown on the title bar are only affected by the Repository filter, no other filter will affect these numbers. See below for more information about how 'Device Patch Status' is determined.

Require rebooting

The number of devices that require rebooting to complete installations.

Require patching

The number of devices with missing patches.

Require attention

The number of devices with failed patches.

Management group

A management group filter. Changing the selection in this drop down will change the filter to the selected management group and update the data on the Patch Success dashboards.

To filter multiple management groups you must use the Filter popup, and the title bar will show the first one in the filter list.

Last processed

This shows the last time the ETL and cube was last processed.


The initials of the logged on user.

Page title bar

Each Patch Success page has refresh and expand buttons.

The refresh button is used to refresh the contents of the page.

The expand button toggles the size of the page inside the browser by hiding or showing the menu and main title bar.

Filter bar

The filter bar shows all currently selected filters. The Filter button open the Filter popup to allow filters to be managed, and Clear Filters removes all the currently selected filters.

You can add filters by using the Filters button, or cicking on headings in the Overview

Using the Filter popup to add and remove filters
  • Click the Filter button to display the Filter popup

  • Select a Filter type from the first column

  • Select or enter all the required filter options for the selected filter and click Add

  • Add multiple filters if required

  • Click Apply to close the Filter popup and apply the selected filters

You can add multiple filters of the same type if needed, the exception being range filters where only one filter per type can be added. The range filters are time to install and publish date. All filters of the same type are combined with OR, filters of different types are combined with AND. The Filter popup is divided into 3 columns as shown in the picture opposite and the table below:

Filter type

Filter options

Filter summary

Displays a list of Filter types.

Select a Filter type by scrolling through the list and selecting one.

Displays options for the currently selected filter type.

Click Add to add the filter with its selected options.

Click Clear to reset the currently selected options. This will not affect filters that have already been added to the filter summary column.

Displays all the currently selected filters.

Click the 230725779.png icon to remove a filter from the summary.

Click Apply to apply the new filters and close the Filter dialog.

Click Cancel to ignore any changes and close the Filter dialog.

Interacting with Overview page charts to add and remove filters

You can click on chart slices and labels to add filters. Clicking on a slice or label once adds its filter, and clicking on it again removes its filter. Clicking with the CTRL key down allows you to add and remove multiple filters. For range charts clicking with the SHIFT key down allows you to select a range of filters.

To remove a filter
  • click on the


    icon to remove an invidual filter from the Filter summary or from the filter bar

  • click on Clear filters to remove all filters from the filter bar

  • click on a


    icon to remove an invidual filter from teh filter bar

  • open the Filter popup and use the the Filter summary or from the filter bar

The pictures below show an example of filters that have been added to show Security Updates on Windows 10 devices in the UK or US management groups.230725777.png

Filter types

The following table lists filter types and their avilable values. You can add multiple filters of the same type if needed, the exception being range filters where only one filter per type can be added. The range filters are time to install and publish date. All filters of the same type are combined with OR, filters of different types are combined with AND.


Available values


Select a patch classification from the list of available values. The available values depend on which products and classifications have been specified in WSUS, as shown in the picture opposite.

  • Critical Updates

  • Definition Updates

  • Drivers

  • Feature Packs

  • Security Updates

  • Service Packs

  • Tools

  • Update Rollups

  • Updates

  • Upgrades

And also:

  • Unidentified - none of the above


Select a device criticality from the list of available values. The available values shown opposite are default values provided by Tachyon and configurable in a lookup list in the GlobalSettings table in TachyonMaster database.

  • 5: Critical

  • 4: High

  • 3: Medium

  • 2: Low

  • 1: Non-critical

  • 0: Unidentified (not set)

Device criticality is set on devices by the using the Device.SetCriticality method, as used for example by the instruction 1E-Explorer-TachyonAgent-SetCriticality. The instruction sets the criticality number on the Tachyon client, which is returned as part of the Device details. If not set then the client returns 0. The system translates this number into a criticality value using a lookup table (in the TachyonMaster database). The criticality value is used in various dashboard tiles and tables, as well as Device details, and can be filtered using these values.

Device name

Select a specific device by name. Search by typing at least three characters and select a device from the search results. The filter itself cannot contain a wildcard, you must select a device and use its full name.

Device status

Select a device status from the list of available values:

  • Fully patched - all patches are succesfully installed

  • No patches - no patches are reported

  • Requires attention - some patches failed to install or have an error

  • Requires patching some patches are missing

  • Requires rebooting - some patches are pending a reboot

Device type

Select a device type category and sub-category:

  • Physical

    • Desktop

    • Laptop

    • Server

    • Tablet

    • Workstation

    • Unidentified

  • Virtual

    • Virtualisation technology, for example: ESX, POWER, Solaris Zone, Solaris Container, Hyper-V, Oracle VM, RedHat VM

    • Virtual Machine - if the virtualisation technology is unidentified, which typically occurs if the virtual host cannot be identified or is not included in the inventory repository


Select a specific KB number. Search by typing at least three digits and select a KB from the search results.

The search is based on KB meta-data available in your inventory repository as reported by Configuration Manager or WSUS. The list includes all KBs not just the ones that are actually installed, and may therefore return zero devices.

Management group

Select a management group from the available list. If the list is not up-to-date after creating a new management group then you may need to reprocess the cube data.

Operating system

Select an operating system by selecting Vendor, Title and Colloquial version from the available lists. The values available will depend on data in your selected inventory repository.

Patch status

Select a patch status from the available list:

  • Failed

  • Installed

  • Missing

  • Pending reboot

Publish date

Select from and/or to dates for when patches were published. Dates are inclusive.


Only one range filter is allowed when filtering.


Select a patch severity from the available list:

  • Critical

  • Important

  • Low

  • Moderate

  • Unidentified

Time take to install

Specify from and/or to for the number of days a patch was installed after it was published. Days are inclusive.


Only one range filter is allowed when filtering.


Select a specific user by name or enter Unidentified. Search by typing at least three characters and select a user from the search results. The filter itself cannot contain a wildcard, you must select a user and use their full name.

WSUS Products and Classifications

Please refer to for a description of each classification.
