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1E 8.1 (on-premises)

Content page

The Content page provides a Content-centric view of content distributed throughout your network. It shows all Content Titles where there has been download activity for the latest version of that content within the selected Time period.


The Content page shows you where your content is. As a result, this page does not include downloads of older versions of Configuration Manager (CM) Packages and Application Deployment Types, they are no longer relevant as they can't be used by any CM deployments.

For example, if a device downloads Package A version 1, then Package A gets updated to version 2 but not yet downloaded by the device, the Content Title will not be seen as downloaded on that device. If the device then downloads the latest version then it will be represented against that Content Title.

Software Updates and CM Packages are each represented in a single row. CM Applications are represented as one row per Deployment Type, where theContent Titlescomprise the Application Name with the Deployment Type name appended.

For example, you can see this with the 1E Client application in the picture opposite, which has three Deployment Types - 1E Client x64 -Server Install, 1E Client x86 and 1E Client x64.

On the Overview page, a CM Application is counted as a single Content Title regardless of how many Deployment Types it contains.

Deployment type name appended


Download activity and Configuration Manager data synchronization

The Nomad client uses Events (a feature of the Tachyon Platform) to update the Nomad app with the latest status of a download. Events are currently not processed and represented in the app unless the Content Title is known, except for these tiles:

  • Bandwidth Usage Per Day by Content Source (UTC)

  • P2P Efficiency by Content Source.

Events generated for Nomad downloads (i.e. CM Applications, Packages and Software Updates downloaded by Nomad) only identify the content ID, not the content title. The content title is determined through the CM sync that Content Distribution performs periodically. By default, this runs every 30 minutes, and is configured in the following location on your Tachyon Platform server:

C:\Program Files\1E\ContentDistribution\Web\WebService\AppSettings.json

The CM Sync currently synchronizes the following Content Titles:

  • Content for which there have been any download events

  • Reference content in any Task Sequence

  • Content for which a pre-cache job has been created.

This means that in many cases, events for new CM deployments will not be represented in the app until the first CM sync after the first events for that content are reported.

Events generated for software updates downloaded by DO include the Content Title in the event as this is determined at the client. These events are represented immediately in the Nomad app.

The table includes the following columns:



Content Title

Content title.

  • For CM Packages, this is the Package name

  • For CM Applications, this is a combination of the Application name and Deployment Type name

  • For Software Updates, this is the title of the Software Update as defined in the Microsoft Update catalog (this is collected from the client, not the Microsoft Catalog).


Currently, either Endpoint Manager or Software Update.

Latest Activity

Date and time of the latest event for the content title.


Size of the CM Package, CM Application Deployment Type or Software Update.

Download Status

Represents the current status of the content across all devices, that have reported events for this Content Title within the selected Time period. This can include the following status:

  • Downloading

  • Cancelled

  • Downloaded

  • Downloaded (Cached)

  • Downloaded (Deleted)

  • Failed.

Clicking on a Content Title navigates to the Content Detail page for that Content Title.


If a download is Cancelled before completing and the partial content is then deleted from the cache on the device, the reported status for that Content Title will remain Cancelled. Downloaded (Deleted) only applies to Content Titles that completed download and were subsequently deleted. There is currently no status for Cancelled (Deleted).

Hovering over the Download Status bar displays the count of downloads in each state. The bar is for information only and is not clickable (It will not navigate to a filtered list of devices).

Contents overview
Navigation and Filtering

You can navigate to the Content page from the Overview page, in which case the Content page will be filtered with the filter selections and the element you clicked on (e.g. a Content Type segment in the Content Titles by Content Type chart).

If you navigate directly to the Content page from the left-hand navigation menu, the Content page will show all Content Titles by default. You can filter Content Titles using the filters at the top of the page:

These filters are kept for the current browser session as you navigate your way around the app.


Content Titles are sorted by latest activity, so you always see the most recent content activity at the top of the list. You can use theSearch Content to search for a specific Content Title.

Technology filter

You can use the Technology filter to differentiate between downloads through Nomad or Delivery Optimization (DO).

The following options are available:

  • Nomad & DO (Default)

  • Nomad

  • DO.


If this filter is applied to any app page, it is reflected on all other pages in the Nomad App.

Technology filter
Time period filter

Using the Time periodfilter at the top of the page, you can narrow down the results by date. You can choose from the following options:

  • Last 90 days

  • Last 30 days (Default)

  • Last 7 days.


If these filters are applied to any app page, it is reflected on all other pages in the Nomad App.

Filter by date

Using the Type filter, you can filter results by either:



All Types


Software Update

Content that can be delivered by Nomad, or Delivery Optimization (DO if you're using Windows Update directly.

Endpoint Manager

Configuration Manager applications and packages that are not delivered by DO.

Filter by Type

Using the Status filter, you can filter results by download status:




Number of downloads currently in progress, where a download has been reported as started but has not yet reported complete, failed or cancelled.


Number of downloads whose last reported status was Cancelled, downloads may be cancelled by the user, or by the system, for example if the system is shut down or higher priority downloads are queued.


Number of successful downloads.

Downloaded (Cached)

Downloaded content cached on a given device.

(Downloaded (Deleted)

Downloaded content was subsequently deleted from the cache on a given device.


Number of downloads whose last reported status was Failed.

Filter by Status
Select Columns

You can select the columns to be displayed by clicking on the Select Columns option. You can add, remove or re-order the columns in the Visible Columns section.

Select Metrics

When you click on the Select columns control, it opens a pop-up displaying every column on the current screen, the controls are:



Available Columns

Columns, which are by default hidden from display on screen. You can still include any of them to display on screen.

Visible Columns

Displays the list of columns displayed on screen.

Arrow buttons

To move up or move down, exclude or include any column, clicking on the ellipsis displays these additional controls.

Drag and drop

You can drag and drop columns to change how they are displayed.

Exclude columns

Exclude column button allows you to select columns to exclude from the current display.

Clicking Save on the Select Columns screen saves the layout for the current browser session. Clicking Restore returns the columns to the default selection.

Select Columns

After selecting the columns and any other configurations on the page, you can set them as a preset, so you can select them again after your current browser session.

Set page configuration as preset

You can save a view as a preset by clicking on the star icon, doing this presents the screen shown opposite. Clicking Save adds the view to the list of preset list.

Save as bookmark

You can apply any saved preset later, either from the list of configured presets or from the bookmark bar of the configured presets when you click Manage/Apply Presets.

Apply page configuration as preset

In this example, the preset Only Latest Activity Column is selected.

Apply page configuration as preset

You can also manage (rename or delete) your saved Presets.

Manage your saved Presets
Content details

The Content detail page is displayed when you click on a content title anywhere in the app. It includes a Summary tab and a Devices tab.


The Content detail page does not 'inherit' the Time period filter from other pages. It represents all available data for the selected Content Title. As a result, if you have set the Time period filter on the Content page to, for example, Last 7 days, you may see different results on the content details page.

Summary tab

The Summary tab shows summary information about the selected content title.

Top status Bar

The top status bar displays the following high-level statistics:




Displays the number of downloads for the latest version of the selected Content Title. If the Content Title is a CM Application, this number represents the total number of downloads of all of that Application's Deployment Types.


Displays the number of devices that are currently downloading the latest version of the Content Title.


Displays the number of downloads of the latest version of the Content Title that have completed successfully.


Displays the number of downloads of the latest version of the Content Title whose latest state was Cancelled.


Displays the number of downloads of the latest version of the Content Title whose latest state was Failed.

Content tab
Side Panels

On the left side of the page, there are two panels:

  • Content Details

  • Select Target Group.

Content Details

Displays the content Type and the Size of the content for:

  • CM Packages, the size represents the total size of the Package content

  • CM Applications, the Size represents the total size of all Deployment Types

  • Software Updates, the size represents the total size of the update reported by the update metadata.

Content Details
Select Target Group

Allows the details on the main page to be filtered based on the target group. By default, the main details page shows data for All Downloads of the Content Title. In this panel, belowAll Downloadsis a list of every Collection in CM that the content has been either deployed or pre-cached to.

You use the Select Target Group filter in the following scenarios

  • To view the status of a specific CM deployment

  • To view the status of a specific Nomad Pre-cache Job.


Although currently this only lists CM Collections, the term Target Group is used in the app as in future the target may be a CM Collection, an Azure AD group (for Intune applications), a Tachyon Management Group or perhaps another type of target group entirely used by other management systems.

There are different options for Endpoint Manager (Configuration Manager) and for the Software Update Content Type:

Content Type



Endpoint Manager (Configuration Manager)

All Downloads

(default) shows data for all downloads.

No active deployments

Shows data for downloads that occurred, but no longer have an active deployment (for example where a Deployment was deleted).


A list of Collections that are either the target of an active deployment of the Content Title. Or are the target of a Nomad Pre-cache job.

Software Update

All Downloads

(default) shows data for all downloads

On Demand

Shows downloads initiated through Windows Update on the device.

No active deployments

Shows data for downloads that occurred, but no longer have an active deployment (for example where a Deployment was deleted).


A list of Collections that are the target of an active deployment of the Content Title.

Select Target Group
Download Status by Nomad Site

Using the Download Status by Nomad Site tile you can see in which locations (Nomad Single Site Download (SSD) sites) the content title has been downloaded and is available.

The table shows the status of the selected Content Title in each Nomad Site. A Nomad Site corresponds to Nomad Single Site Download site. Customers that have implemented SSD and upgraded ActiveEfficiency to Content Distribution will see their defined SSD locations displayed as Nomad Sites on this tile. Any subnets that are not included in a Nomad SSD Site definition will be represented in a site named Unknown. If no SSD sites have been defined, all subnets will be included in the Unknown site.

The table displays the following columns:



Nomad Site

The Nomad (SSD) site name.


The count of subnets included in the Nomad site. Clicking on the number opens a 'drawer' that shows the download status for each subnet in the site. You can click on the subnet in this drawer to view the devices in that subnet that have reported download activity for the Content Title.

Download Status

A bar representing the current status of the content across all devices in the Nomad Site. This can include the following statuses:

  • Downloading

  • Downloaded (Cached)

  • Downloaded (Deleted)

  • Cancelled

  • Failed

  • Unknown.


The Unknown status is only displayed if a Target Group has been selected. It indicates the members of the Target Group for which no status for the selected Content Title has been reported.

Hovering over the Download Status bar displays the count of downloads in each state. The bar is for information only and is not clickable (i.e. it will not navigate to a filtered list of devices in the various states).

Clicking on a Nomad Site navigates to the Devices tab, filtered to display devices in the selected Nomad Site.


You can use the Search Locations... box to search for a specific Nomad Sites.

Download Status by Nomad Site
Device Count by Operating system

The Device Count by Operating System represents the devices that have downloaded the selected Content Title grouped by Operating System and version and displayed as a donut chart. Delivery Optimization is a Windows 10 feature, but the feature continues to develop with new features and configuration options available in different versions. This data point can help to identify differences across Windows 10 versions.

Clicking on any segment of the chart navigates to the Devices tab, filtered to show the devices running the selected OS version.

Device Count by Operating system
P2P Efficiency by Content Source

The P2P Efficiency by Content Source tile represents the overall peer-to-peer efficiency across the entire network for the selected Content Title. The data is grouped by source (Peers and WAN) and displayed as a donut chart showing the volume of content downloaded from peers (in grey) and from the source over the WAN (in orange).

Ideally, more content will be downloaded from peers than from the source over the WAN, thereby saving network bandwidth. Where this is not the case, it could be due to many users working remotely without any local peers, or it could be due to configuration settings on the client that are not optimized for peer-to-peer caching and availability. It may also be worth considering pre-caching the Content Title in more locations to improve the availability of the content on peers in each location.

Clicking either segment in this chart will navigate to the Devices tab filtered to show the devices that downloaded the selected Content Title from Peers or WAN, according to the segment that you clicked on.

P2P Efficiency by Content Source
Devices tab

The Devices tab in the Content detail page lists the devices that have reported download activity or cache status for the selected Content Title.

This tab is displayed when you click a Nomad Site or a segment on theDevice Count by Operating systemorP2P Efficiency by Content Sourcecharts on theContent Detail summary tab, filtered according to the item clicked on.

Alternatively you can select the tab to view all devices that have reported download activity for the content title. Use theSearch to search for a specific device.


The list can be further organized using the filters:

  • Source - (Peers or WAN)

  • Status:

    • Downloading

    • Downloaded (Cached)

    • Downloaded (Deleted)

    • Cancelled

    • Failed

    • Unknown.

The table of Devices displays the following columns and from this list, you can click on an FQDN to view details of the specific device on the Devices page.




Fully Qualified Domain Name.

Nomad Site

The Nomad SSD Site that the device is currently in, based on the device's latest device registration.


The subnet the device is currently in, based on the device's latest device registration.

Latest Activity

Indication of how long ago the latest download activity for the selected Content Title occurred on this device.

Download Status

Status of the selected Content Title on this device, one of:

  • Downloading

  • Downloaded (Cached)

  • Downloaded (Deleted)

  • Cancelled

  • Failed.

Download Duration (DD:HH:MM:SS)

The amount of time it took to download the content.

Devices tab