Entity - System Information - Returns information about the system
Verb | Request | Notes | Permissions required |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation | Returns a representation of the system's topology Example response { "ConsumerAPI": "http://localhost/Consumer/", "Coordinator": "http://localhost:8080/api/", "BackgroundChannels": [ { "URL": "http://localhost/background/", "ClientCertificateAuthentication": false } ], "Cores": [ { "Name": "localhost", "BaseURL": "http://localhost/Core/", "Response": "http://localhost/Core/Responses", "Instruction": "http://localhost/Core/Instructions", "Device": "http://localhost/Core/Devices", "Switch": "http://localhost/Core/Switches", "DataStores": [ "(Local to Core)" ] } ], "Switches": [ { "Name": "Tachyon.acme.local", "Status": "Online", "ListeningIpAddress": "", "ListeningPort": 4000, "PokeIpAddress": "", "ManagerPort": 4001, "Workers": 4, "Slots": 32, "SSL": " TLSv1.2", "SecurityLevel": 1, "Cores": [ "localhost" ] } ] } | Read permission on Instrumentation In version 5.1 Instrumentation has been renamed to Infrastructure |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ GetSystemTopography | Returns a representation of the system's topology Example response { "DataStores": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "(local)", "ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient", "Cores": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "localhost", "Switches": [ { "Id": 1, "Name": "1EUKDEVWKS1204.1E.LOCAL", "Slots": 256, "Agents": 0 }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "LAB-CM2012.Lab.local", "Slots": 256, "Agents": 0 } ] } ] }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "lab-cm2012", "ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient", "Cores": [ { "Id": 2, "Name": "lab-cm2012", "Switches": [ { "Id": 3, "Name": "LAB-SERVER2.Lab.local", "Slots": 256, "Agents": 0 } ] } ] }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "lab-server2", "ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient", "Cores": [ { "Id": 3, "Name": "lab-server2", "Switches": [] } ] } ] } | Read permission on Instrumentation In version 5.1 Instrumentation has been renamed to Infrastructure |
GET | /Consume/SystemInformation/License | Returns license information Return Json { "Customer": "Name of the customer", "CustomerEmail": "", "CustomerTel": "0123456789", "LicenseSerialNumber": "123", "IssueDate": "2017/06/26", "ExpiryDate": "2017/07/26", "ActivationPeriodDays": "3", "ActivationGraceDays": "2", "Products": [{ "Name": "Tachyon", "ExeNames": "Tachyon,Switch,Tachyon.Switch,Tachyon.Server.Core", "MaxUsers": "188", "Features": [ { "Name": "NightWatchmanIntegration", "Expiry": "2017/06/28", "Instructions": [{ "SignerSha": "888888888888888", "Pattern": "1E-NWM-*" }], "Consumers": [] }, { "Name": "TachyonExplorer", "Expiry": "2017/06/30", "Instructions": [], "Consumers": [{ "Name": "Explorer", "Enable": "off" }] } ] }], "LicenseService": { "SignerCertName": "antec64.cer", "ActivateCertName": "antec64.cer", "Url": "", "AltUrl": "https://license.1e.local" } } | None |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ LicenseExpiry/Product/{product}/ Feature/{feature} | Returns expiration date for given product and feature Return JSON { "DaysLeft": 20, "ExpiryDateTime": "2017/07/27 01:00:00" } | None |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ LicenseExpiry/Product/{product} | Returns expiration date for given product Return JSON { "DaysLeft": 20, "ExpiryDateTime": "2017/07/27 01:00:00" } | None |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ IsConsumerLicensed/Name/{name} | Minimum API version 5.0 Returns a flag indicating if given consumer is licensed. | None |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ IsConsumerLicensed/Id/{id} | Minimum API version 5.0 Returns a flag indicating if given consumer is licensed. | None |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ LicensedConsumers | Minimum API version 5.0 Returns a list of licensed consumers. | None |
POST | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ License/Reactivate | Forces license reactivation / update cycle | None |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ Telemetry | Minimum API version 5.1 Returns a flat list containing telemetry data | Read permission on Infrastructure |
GET | /Consumer/SystemInformation/ Telemetry/Csv | Minimum API version 5.1 Returns a flat list containing telemetry data, formatted as CSV | Read permission on Infrastructure |