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1E 8.1 (on-premises)









Notify the Shopping user with details of Order Status using Shopping notification icon and/or toast popup.


title (string, required): The title of the notification to be shown to the user.

description (string, required): The description of the notification to be shown to the user.

userName (string, optional): The user in whose session the notification will be shown. It should be in the domain\username format. If omitted, notification will be shown to all the users with an active session.

showInSystemTray (string, required): If "true", the notification will be shown in the Shopping UI's notifications panel.

showToastNotification (string, required): If "true", the notification will be shown as a toast notification.

isIntermediate (string, required): If "true", this notification will be treated as an intermediate notification. An intermediate notification is not shown immediately, but after a certain time has passed. If a new ShowNotification is received while an intermediate notification is in its waiting period, the old notification will never be shown. The waiting period is configurable in the setting After how many minutes would you like the next notification to show on the Manage Order Tracking page in Shopping.

isLast (string, required): If "true", this notification will be treated as the last notification. For a last notification, no delay notification is shown.

showDelayNotification (string, required): If "true", a delay notification will be shown if a certain time has passed after this notification was shown and no new notification was received during the waiting period. The waiting period is configurable in the setting After how many minutes would you like the next notification to show on the Manage Order Tracking page in Shopping.

orderId (string, required): The order id of the order for which this notification is shown.

Return values

The returned result will have this form:

SessionId (integer): An integer representing the session id of the user to whom the notification was shown.

UserName (string): The name of the user to whom the notification was shown.


Title: "%title%", 
Description: "%description%", 
UserName: "%userName%", 
ShowInSystemTray: "%showInSystemTray%", 
ShowToastNotification: "%showToastNotification%", 
IsIntermediate: "%isIntermediate%", 
IsLast: "%isLast%", 
ShowDelayNotification: "%showDelayNotification%", 
OrderId: "%orderId%")


  • Windows



This method is reserved for use by 1E.

It requires the Shopping module to be enabled in the 1E Client. It also requires a full Shopping infrastructure to be installed.