Explorer release information
Tachyon Explorer release information – last updated
These notes contain late-breaking information about this release of Explorer. For the most up-to-date information, please see the online readme. You should read these release notes and the online documentation for Explorer thoroughly before using the software.
New features in Tachyon Explorer
No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions.
Additional information
For support queries, you can:
Use https://support.1e.com/ where you can search the KB or submit a support case.
Contact support@1e.com.
Known issues
The current known issues related to Explorer can be found in the Known issues page of the Explorer documentation.
Known issues for the Platform and other applications can be found in the Tachyon Platform Known issues documentation.
Explorer Release History
Explorer is a separately licensed application in the TachyonPlatform. Please refer to Tachyon release information for latest information, where you will also find details of previous releases, and hotfixes.
Explorer features by release
A list of the Explorer features organized by the release they were implemented in. Links through to the features have been provided for convenience.
New features in Tachyon Explorer
No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions.
Tachyon Explorer 8.0
Works with Tachyon Platform 8.0
Coverage tags renamed as Device tags
No features or feature changes added in this release, but includes any hotfixes from previous versions.
Tachyon Explorer 5.2
Works with Tachyon Platform 5.2
Devices table and dashboard link through to Device View.
Tachyon Explorer 5.1
Works with Tachyon Platform 5.1
No major changes.
Tachyon Explorer 5.0
Works with Tachyon Platform 5.0
No major changes.
Tachyon Explorer 4.1
Works with Tachyon Platform 4.1
A new Instruction Detail dialog has been added to the Instruction History page that shows information on the selected instruction
Improvements have been made to the Device Detail dialog on the Devices page